
Results 106 comments of Emgu

Thanks for pointing that out. It has been fixed in the commit above.

Can you try to comment out the following code and retest? > WriteFeature(_receivedImage.Bitmap); > Verify(_resizedImage.Bitmap); > ProcessEmpty(); I suspect the AccessViolation is caused in the above 3 function calls. If,...

The cvextern.dll file currently contains C interfaces to all opencv modules, the C interfaces need to be linked to opencv modules in compile time, and will have dependencies on all...

First a disclaimer: I have not trained my own Single Shot Detector (The algorithm behind Multibox People Detection) with Tensorflow, but here is some information that I will read through...

It also depends on what linux system NixOS is based on. The ubuntu build script will place the native binary "libcvextern.so" into "runtimes\ubuntu-{arch}\native" folder. If NixOS is not based on...

If .net runtime is not using either of the existing folder ("runtimes\ubuntu-{arch}\native" or "runtimes\linux-{arch}\native"), you may need to add the extra loading folder into the code here: https://github.com/emgucv/emgucv/blob/4.6.0/Emgu.CV/PInvoke/CvInvoke.cs#L92

For debian, this two official packages are compiled on debian and works on debian (Raspberry pi OS): https://www.nuget.org/packages/Emgu.CV.runtime.debian-arm https://www.nuget.org/packages/Emgu.CV.runtime.debian-arm64 Each linux distribution can be quite difference. We have not tested...

It is performing a nuget restore: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-restore It is quite normal for .net project to have a nuget dependency, and the depedency needs to be restored (download from repository, e.g....

Please follow the instruction below to trouble shot: https://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Download_And_Installation#The_type_initializer_for_.27Emgu.CV.CvInvoke.27_threw_an_exception Post the result for dependency walker here if you still experiencing issues. Please also let us know exactly what Windows release...

This is from your dependency walker output: > Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista based Professional (64-bit) Windows Vista or earlier releases are no longer supported by Microsoft. Native binaries produced...