
Results 106 comments of Emgu

@SimonKravis You are right, just noticed that dependency walker report similar operating system info on my workstation. Can you save the dependency walker output into a ".dwi" (Depedency walker image)...

Microsoft media foundation by default is installed with Windows 10 Home & Professional. It is not installed by default on Windows 10 N/KN. I will be able to look for...

Didn't see any attachement. Please attach to GitHub's issue tracker directly. Attachement from email reply may not be posted in the github issue tracker. Can you upload the ".dwi" file...

Still waiting for the ".dwi" file export from your client's computer, that will let us know the full picture.

@SimonKravis Once you added Emgu.CV.Bitmap nuget pacakge, you should be able to call `myBitmap.ToMat()` function to convert the Bitmap to Mat. https://www.emgu.com/wiki/files/4.5.4/document/html/M_Emgu_CV_BitmapExtension_ToMat.htm

You may be able to fix it by following this instruction here: https://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Download_And_Installation#Upgrade_from_packages.config_to_package_reference

Can you upload the ".dwi" file from dependency walker? Instructions to export the ".dwi" file can be found here: https://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Download_And_Installation#Are_you_missing_any_dependency.3F The Emgu.CV.runtime.windows v4.5.4 nuget package https://www.nuget.org/packages/Emgu.CV.runtime.windows/ has the following dependency:...

I just checked your "cvextern from ImageSplit fail.dwi" file. The system is missing the "vcruntime140_1.dll" file. If you are using the nuget packages, both packages (dependency of Emgu.CV.runtime.windows v4.5.4): Emgu.runtime.windows.msvc.rt.x64...

I dropped the following code into the "HelloWorld" demo program in the libemgucv-pro- release, it works without any issue. ``` static void Main(string[] args) { String win1 = "Test Window";...

Tried the project with the image in the drop box link. I added Emgu CV package from our commercial nuget release repository, using the version, it works without issues....