
Results 106 comments of Emgu

I have downloaded the CrashTest_Full.rar file, using the file you have compiled ( "CrashTest\bin\Release\CrashTest.exe" ), loaded the image file "DSC04085.jpg" and it works with out crashing.

I will check a few things: 1. Do you happen to place any "cvextern.dll" file into your system path? If so, please remove them from the system path. The application...

Sorry, our commercial nuget repository only have sufficient space to host 2 releases. With the new 4.6.0 release we have to remove the 4.5.4 release. Keeping only 4.5.5 & 4.6.0...

1. Create a new Console application using .Net 7.0 in Visual Studio 2022. 2. Add "Emgu.CV.runtime.windows.cuda" nuget package into the console project. 3. Put the following code into Programs.cs:...

Just uploaded pre-release to nuget and sourceforge download. If you are using nuget, you need to enable to pre-release channel. The contains bug fix to this issue.

duplicate of #3

Should be fixed in this commit: 7d15c5ec7455a6d7a8c45b6dd42897f288cd123b You can use or wait for a new release to include the above commit.

The leak happens in Open CV C++ and can be reproduced using Open CV Python. It will need to be fixed on the Open CV side. ``` >>> import cv2...

Referencing Open CV ticket here: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/13255

It is quite likely as the error message indicates: Your tflite model used a custom operation that is not part of the standard tflite distribution.