hi sir now i switch back to emacs27 on PC, so i have the question elfeed uses shr to render articles which is the same as declutter so i think...
### Feature description now we can use "termux-clip-set" to copy content from termux to other app. i just wanna know is it possible to map the function to bind a...
for example, like this w3m opens "www.google.com" then using a customized simple html template not css to render the site. is it possible to do it?
如题,在列表播放模式下,切换到其它操作。 当前歌曲播放结束跳转到下一首的时候,如果emacs没有任何键盘操作,播放正常运行; 没有使用鼠标,如果在此期间有其它键盘操作,播放中断,并且报错,信息如下: error in process sentinel:wrong type argument: arrayp ,nil
now w3m-lnum-follow use numbers to jump,but is there a way to use english characters to get this job? it will be much faster and comfortable.
for some reason,i dont want anybody to see my annotations but still keep annotate-highlight,how should i do? closing annotate-mode disables annotaton but the highlight is disabled too.
I add this but noting happens: ``` (setq browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url) ``` and there's no variable to change the way thanks a lot