termux-app copied to clipboard
[Feature]:copy content from termux to other app
Feature description
now we can use "termux-clip-set" to copy content from termux to other app.
i just wanna know is it possible to map the function to bind a key adding the termux keyboard.
Additional information
not sure
Consider making a bash function to map your command to the word of your choice
Or use this alternative I made :
Apprend to ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p /sdcard/Download/Shared
# shares files TO Shared folder (TERMUX)
shr() {
if [[ -d /sdcard/Download/Shared ]]; then
cp -r "$1" /sdcard/Download/Shared
echo "Feature only supported on termux"
# get files FROM Shared folder (TERMUX)
get() {
if [[ -d /sdcard/Download/ ]]; then
cp -r /sdcard/Download/"$1" ./
echo "Feature only supported on termux"
# move files TO Shared folder (TERMUX)
shrmv() {
if [[ -d /sdcard/Download/Shared ]]; then
mv "$1" /sdcard/Download/Shared/;
echo "Feature only supported on termux"
# move files FROM Shared folder (TERMUX)
getmv() {
if [[ -d /sdcard/Download/ ]]; then
mv /sdcard/Download/"$1" ./
echo "Feature only supported on termux"
thank you for your suggestion firstly!
i think i didn't describe my problem clearly,so sorry
i mean the content of clipboard,not file or directory to copy.
when hold screen for a moment,termux will pop up menu including "copy,paste....",i can add "paste" key to termux keyboard to use the key pasting clipboard content into termux
but when i add "copy" key to termux keyboard,it justs inputs word "copy"
termux 0.118 on android 9
Well in that case I don't know either i am sorry.
Maybe there is a clipboard app that saves everything automatically to a file Then in vim (idk if it's possible in nano) you can set a keybind to apprend the last line of the clipboard file into your current file