
Results 5 comments of emacs25

is it possible to use declutter to render after i enter the elfeed article page automatically? this is what i mean, sorry

sure i will have a try and give feedback here

thank you for your suggestion firstly! i think i didn't describe my problem clearly,so sorry i mean the content of clipboard,not file or directory to copy. when hold screen for...

thanks,I will have a try can the filter function just for removing ads only? is it possible to change the web elements' layout such as position?

我测试了最新版,在Windows平台发现如下问题 1 在切换歌曲的时候如果emacs进行操作,会卡顿,等下一首歌播放之后才会恢复正常,有时候需要c-g一次才行 2 下载socat for windows,加入到环境变量,调用正常,在使用快进快退暂停这些功能会提示如下: socat:open "/tmp/mpvserver/",01002,0666:no such file or directory 看起来是路径问题,不知道在windows下面如何解决 ------ 原始邮件 ------ 发件人:"Jim Huang"