Results 44 issues of FOUCAULT Vincent

Why not use a "param" value in ROS launch file, to choose from Controller / Keyboard / terminal command (ros cmd_vel publisher)

**Board** : Jetson TX2 **SPI/GPIO controller** : FT232H (adafruit board) **OS** : Ubuntu 16.06 64 bits **Screens** : 2 SSD1351 RGB Oled screens (2 in parallel/ same wires(same pins)) Hello,...


Hello Derek, before going any further, with a c++ difficult code, I'd like to use your python file, to command my motors. (before doing same in c++) Could you tell...

Humm, could you tell me what fonction I should use, or the variable to modify, to stop walking, and rotate body, or upper one leg, for example... If possible? Thanks...

嗨,德里克, 你的西穆包很有魅力。 现在我想把它加入我真正的机器人。 你能告诉我在哪里添加我的c++方法吗? 一个用于发送订单(id、pos、vel、扭矩、kp、kd) 一个用于查询(id、pos、vel、扭矩、kp、kd) 在mainController.cpp中?不知道在哪里!! 对于12 ID,它应该存在于 迫不及待地想念你。 非常感谢 Vincent (french)

Hi all. _This project is very interesting, and I'd like to create a french voice for ubuntu (ubuntu is very poor in french male TTS_) - how many wav sentences...

Hello, Do you think I could convert your default walk package from python2 to python3 ? Will i just have to convert your python2 files ? I just need, for...

Hello, Ylo2 real robot works on Champ (BLDC motors, working on Moteus controllers, using position mode), but anyway, a few questions : 1- Standup : Need to make a...

Hey, Adham, working on your package, and need to know what alignement servos need to be at teensy boot !! Could you quickly tell me their position : - Hips...

Hello all, working on melodic, jetson TX2. D435 and T265. I previously worked on Rtabmap, with pointclouds, close loops, and kidnapped robot on D435. Now, working on VIO with D435...