Documentation job is failing because this branch has been rebased on the top of [ [20569] Migrate DLL API exporter and auto linkage to fastdds](https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/pull/4500), consequently it ereditated all the...
`asan-discovery-server` is failing because the job uses the discovery-server default 3.0.x-devel branch instead of the corresponding branch
Docs CI passed [here](https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/actions/runs/8417964427)
@richiprosima please test this
@richiprosima please test this
@richiprosima please test this
Hi @TobiasJacob thanks for the report. Is this the only installation of Fast DDS that you have locally? If you are trying to build the whole workspace, have you tried...
@richiprosima please test_3 this
@richiprosima please test_3 this
We should create a Shapes-Demo branch with these changes, in particular the build failed because it couldn't find `fastrtps/rtps/common/Guid.h`