Elliot Sollis
Elliot Sollis
For new term requests, please provide the following information: ## Preferred term label 1. (trait in) response to loxoprofen 2. (trait in) response to clarithromycin 3. (trait in) response to...
## Preferred term label anti-hepatitis E virus antibody measurement ## Synonyms anti-HEV antibody measurement ## Textual definition Quantification of one or more antibodies to the hepatitis E virus, typically in...
## Preferred term label 1. complicated appendicitis 2. gangrenous appendicits ## Textual definition 1. Appendicitis characterised by the presence of complications such as localised abscess, peritonitis and perforation. 2. Appendicitis...
This author submission includes sumstats files that contain p-value = 0, but should be considered to meet the GWAS-SSF standard format because the author has provided the required metadata to...
An author has created two bodies of work by accident, and no longer needs this one (GCP000886).
In this submission (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/depo-curation/submissions/6491a97fe6cd8200017d5250), an association with p-value = **2.7E+10** seems to have passed through validation and was released to the public GWAS Catalog. This should not have passed validation...
An external user seems to have been able to create a sumstats + metadata submission for a publication (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/depo-curation/submissions/661e2936d222f50001984929), even though there was already curated data for the publication in...
## Preferred term label See spreadsheet (`requestedTrait` column): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l2YNI4Ruo-KugvoTOPE-djvoJuxVVee1-Ipxqwa5qhY/edit?usp=sharing These terms should be created using the ratio pattern. In each case: * numerator of the ratio = level of `numeratorProtein`...