Eugene Aronne
Eugene Aronne
To make overlays easier, baselines are being updated to be more flexible. Not only are inputs used in describe blocks, but also within title, description default, check, fix text, etc....
Add a slider option to "Show Legacy ID" to the left of the other sliders on the "Results View Data" band. When enabled, ADD a column to the right of...
- [ ] Auto extract the findings using asff2hdf via API when converting to HDF for downstream use. - [x] Preserve passthrough object information in asff (and reconstitute in asff2hdf)...
Currently hdf2csv exports the profiles.controls[] components, one row per control. Include columns for all other fields in the hdf schema. I realize this would repeat the same data for each...
If at all possible, could the 3 profiles that are in the attached overlay sample go into Splunk in the order of: the bottom (baseline) goes in first, the middle...
Please restore the order of controls to their original (A-Z, 1-9) order. Currently the control order is reversed in the exported HDF. I'm not sure why the controls are reversed...
Provide option to exclude Not Applicable (aka impact zero, "Informational" in Security Hub) for saf convert hdf2asff
Per , the intent was to put an icon next to the name of any *controls* that have been modified by an overlay. However, the icon seems to label...