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Clarify XCCDF Results import scope
Is there anything we can add to the fingerprinting to know if the XCCDF-Results file came from a supported tool? Is there anything in the header that ids which client produced the file?
Users don't RTFM so if our loading could say - I know you tried to give me an XCCDF-Results file but it doesn't seem to be from OpenSCAP or SCC or ACAS etc
@aaronlippold maybe? I would feel uncomfortable relying on it due to the low number of samples that we have but please see the following:
They're in two different locations and seem to be optionally supplied. If we have other/older samples that we can also test with to see if the behavior stays the same over time, maybe it's possible? The SCC one in particular I dunno if it's intentional or just a fluke for how Cole set up his vm / scc run.
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