Eirik Eylands Brandås

Results 30 comments of Eirik Eylands Brandås

Well, at least it's great to see that I'm not the only one with this issue. Cross-referencing to the issue I created on DataFrames.jl (https://github.com/JuliaData/DataFrames.jl/issues/2902). On my end I have...

@nalimilan In this case I had data with about 500 rows where I knew ~99% of row values would be the same for some columns. But I wanted to check,...

Sorry to bump it again, but three more comments: 1) It doesn't work for Boolean either: ```julia df_tmp = DataFrame(boolean = Bool.(round.(Int,rand(20)))) describe(df_tmp,:nunique) 1×2 DataFrame Row │ variable nunique │...

Sure. I only have 1.5.3 on my work server, but here are the results again, this time with the results from `top` as well to illustrate. Note that the output...

Here's the output from my laptop. On my laptop, you see a somewhat steady increase in %MEM and RES. But the issue is a lot smaller than on my work...

Hi @bkamins, thanks for looking into this. I just went back to check my results This is what I did: 1) Take a clean Julia 1.5.3 environment on my work...

> [JuliaLang/julia#42566](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/42566) is already about this problem, right? @bkamins and @nalimilan Yes, that is the same issue. (I originally posted this in the #helpdesk channel on Slack, didn't get a...

Julia extension: v1.6.17 VSCode: 1.67.2 OS: Pop_os (20.04) Happens with `xlims!()` and `ylims!()` from Makie as well ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/36015806/172462339-484e68d8-3d1f-4a92-8443-d0bd63dcb9c8.png)

@pkofod Pinging you to check on a) whether you agree on the issue and b) if so to take a look at the pull request. Sorry for nagging!