Eirik Eylands Brandås

Results 14 issues of Eirik Eylands Brandås

Related discussion in https://github.com/JuliaData/DataFrames.jl/issues/2384 At least for the subset of Reals where there is no real problem with counting unique values (e.g., integers in contrast with Floats) this should be...


## Description Creating a large panel, and then "overwriting" it in a loop causes the process to just eat up more and more memory. ## MWE Note that this will...


Hi, It would be great (and safer?) if one could extract coeffecients by variable names: ``` df = DataFrame(y=rand(3),x=rand(3)) out = reg(df,@formula(y~x)) out.coef[findfirst(isequal("x"),out.coefnames)] # hard to do out.coef["x"] # would...

In my code I need to interpolate many different arrays at the same points. A signficant part of my computation time is spent on interpolating, but I can cut the...

Hi, as a part of a bigger project I was using linear interpolation and extrapolation. Now I want to experiment with different interpolations methods to check if my results are...

Fixes the first two the issues raised in #941 I tried to fix the last one, but that was beyond my capabilities. If you give me a pointer I should...

- Added the default values for the `AffineSimplexer` (I think it is `a=0.025`,`b=0.5`)? - Split up the Simplex discussion into two parts, first on the default in `Optim.jl` and then...

Hi, While trying to understand what is going on in my own code I found some minor errors. I'll fix a few of them in a pull request, but other's...


I'm sure this can be written much better, but it just drives me crazy whenever I forgot the macro for allocations and it's not discussed on this page.

```julia a = [missing missing; 0 1] mean(a;dims=2) # InexactError ``` The answer should be [missing, 0.5]. Note that ```julia a = [missing missing; 1 1] means(a;dims=2) # [missing 1]...