@d-silvas you have just made my day So easy and so cool! One little thing is that I would change `ngOnInit` to `ngOnChanges`, this way you will react on every...
Yes, I started experiencing the same. Using Jest for running tests. Jest config also contains such setting: `transformIgnorePatterns: ["./node_modules/(?!ngx-google-places-autocomplete)"], `
Any update on this? Mabe some lifehacks which can take off the button in button and put them together instead of parent > child in the container?
This is really important and good thing For some reason this PR was canceled It doesn't seem to be a lot of effort to add this feature
As I understand you want idle/timeout not to be called if the user idle but the request in progress. Here I recommend to create your own interrupt sources and specify...
Hello there. This is not working in all the cases. global Raygun variable might not be assigned in time and the fetch will be executed faster. Eventually you will get...
Why did that even happen? I thought that if I download a certain version in npm it will always be the same. But it looks like angulartics2 team pushed changes...