ng2-idle copied to clipboard
Idle time out is triggering when I called HTTP request and It shouldn't be
I am using angular version 4.4.6 and latest ng-idle version.
For instance, I kept idle Timeout = 5sec and idle time = 5sec. So after 10 seconds of inactivity, I am getting logged out. It's working!
But when I called any HTTP request and if it takes more than 10sec to execute I am getting logged out but It shouldn't be.
Please help me out.
My ng-idle Functionality for your ref:-
constructor( private jhiLanguageHelper: JhiLanguageHelper, private loginService: LoginService, private principal: Principal, private router: Router, private idle: Idle, private keepalive: Keepalive, public dialog: MdDialog ) { this.timeOut = 5; this.idletime = 5; idle.setIdle(this.idletime); idle.setTimeout(this.timeOut); idle.setInterrupts(DEFAULT_INTERRUPTSOURCES);
idle.onIdleEnd.subscribe(() => this.dialog.closeAll());
idle.onTimeout.subscribe(() => this.logout());
idle.onTimeoutWarning.subscribe((countdown) => this.idlelogout(countdown));
isAuthenticated() {
if (this.principal.isAuthenticated()) {
this.opened = true;
$("#main_container").addClass('container-fluid maincontainer');
} else {
this.opened = false;
$("#main_container").removeClass('container-fluid maincontainer');
if (this.principal.isAuthenticated()) {
let dialogRef =, {
width: '300px',
data: { name:, count: countdown, timeOutValue: (countdown/this.timeOut)*100}
logout() {
if (this.principal.isAuthenticated()) {
Thanks Bhagath
As I understand you want idle/timeout not to be called if the user idle but the request in progress. Here I recommend to create your own interrupt sources and specify your own interrupt event which will be called for instance each second while there is at least one active http request