agm-overlays copied to clipboard
fitBounds not supported?
Hey Looks like fitBounds is not supported as I am adding new overlays after the map was loaded and nothing happens?
Am I correct that it is not supported?
Thanks Nick
If you are trying to keep an overlay the same size regardless of zoom, see here:
We just called it bounds, and the boundaries are typically a small x/y grouping of numbers indicating in all directions of how to size the overlay at all times.
The demo code has one overlay with a fixed size definition as well:
He was talking about this :
With these feature, you can put juste put markers on the map and it will set the center and the zoom level automaticaly.
It's so awesome !
In agm-marker, in ngOnChange, if latitude or longitude change, they just emit new values on a subject
Hi, I also would like to have the fit-bounds feature, meaning the zoom level is set automatically to see all available overlays. So this feature is not supported natively by agm-overlays? @JulienBourgain I don't quite understand how to use your solution with agm-overlays. Could you please explain in a little more detail?
There is a quick workaround in the line of what @JulienBourgain suggested: wrapping the agm-overlay
component with a custom component that implements FitBoundsAccessor
The custom component would look like:
import { FitBoundsAccessor, FitBoundsDetails } from '@agm/core';
import { Component, forwardRef, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-map-bounds',
template: ` <ng-content></ng-content> `,
providers: [{ provide: FitBoundsAccessor, useExisting: forwardRef(() => MapBoundsComponent) }],
export class MapBoundsComponent implements OnInit, FitBoundsAccessor {
@Input() latitude: number;
@Input() longitude: number;
fitBoundsDetails$ = new BehaviorSubject<FitBoundsDetails>(null);
getFitBoundsDetails$(): Observable<FitBoundsDetails> {
return this.fitBoundsDetails$.asObservable();
ngOnInit() {
const latLng: google.maps.LatLngLiteral = { lat: this.latitude, lng: this.longitude };
this.fitBoundsDetails$.next({ latLng });
And then you would use it to wrap markers in the template where you define the map:
<agm-map [fitBounds]="true" style="height:400px;">
<app-map-bounds [agmFitBounds]="true" *ngFor="let marker of markers" [latitude]="marker.latitude" [longitude]="marker.longitude">
<agm-overlay [latitude]="marker.latitude" [longitude]="marker.longitude">
<! -- Your content... -->
@d-silvas you have just made my day
So easy and so cool!
One little thing is that I would change ngOnInit
to ngOnChanges
, this way you will react on every lat/lon change if marker is dynamic
Also you can make component be OnPush
You can just create a marker collection that is not visible.
<agm-map [fitBounds]="true" style="height:400px;">
<agm-overlay [latitude]="marker.latitude" [longitude]="marker.longitude">
<! -- Your content... -->
<agm-marker[latitude]="marker.latitude" [longitude]="marker.longitude" [visible]="false" [agmFitBounds]="true">
<! -- Your content... -->