Ed ter Bak
Ed ter Bak
Note that you need to change the extension of the file. Github does not allow direct yaml. File name should be: heishamon.yaml
Added a new version which corrects some bits. it could do with some checking by someone :)
> > Added a new version which corrects some bits. > > it could do with some checking by someone :) > > Nice work! Why not also migrate the...
I gave it an attempt, Looking at your code, it is fairly similar. I have removed the - in the %- -% codes, that is the only difference I can...
I get some errors during startup, `TemplateError('ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') != "Unknown" %} {% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') > "0" %} {{...
I think this is better: >> See latest download below after boot, there is no error anymore now. But im unsure.
Again, can someone please check if this is right? I do not use the heishamon package .yaml in HomeAssistant myself. I use node red.
> @edterbak I've updated with your heishamon.yaml on latest Home Assistant v 2022.6.6 and all working fine, thanks! Can you check on the s0 meter if that is all ok?...
> @edterbak > > Your naming of the s0 meter is off. `- name: S0 meter - Solar power Production` and `- name: S0 meter - Solar power Production Total`...
@kampsj When I import your latest .txt, I get errors. I started over, with the choose to use of legacy templates now. Maybe later the newer version. I think there...