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heishamon.yaml updated
HomeAssistant changed the designation of mqtt sensors and switches. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/switch.mqtt/ https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.mqtt/
This impacted heishamon.yaml. I have updated it already, and it is ready to use. working with HomeAssistant from release month 6-2022
text from HA release notes:
As an example, this is now deprecated:
- platform: "mqtt"
name: "My sensor"
state_topic: "some-state-topic"
The configuration needs to be updated to this format:
- name: "My sensor"
state_topic: "some-state-topic"
Also the mqtt switch has changed. all is reflected in attached txt file. See latest attachment below
Note that you need to change the extension of the file. Github does not allow direct yaml. File name should be: heishamon.yaml
Added a new version which corrects some bits.
it could do with some checking by someone :)
Added a new version which corrects some bits.
it could do with some checking by someone :)
Nice work! Why not also migrate the legacy template sensors to their new format? I've added an (untested) example below.
- sensor:
- name: "heishamon_w_production"
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
state: >-
{%- if states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_produced') != "0" -%}
{{ states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_produced') }}
{%- else -%}
{{ states('sensor.aquarea_power_produced') }}
{%- endif -%}
- name: "heishamon_w_consumption"
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
state: >-
{%- if states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_consumed') != "0" -%}
{{ states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_consumed') }}
{%- else -%}
{{ states('sensor.aquarea_power_consumed') }}
{%- endif -%}
- name: "heishamon_cop"
unit_of_measurement: "x"
state: >-
{%- if states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') != "Unknown" -%}
{%- if states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') > "0" -%}
{{ '%0.1f' % ((states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') | float ) / (states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') | float)) }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
Added a new version which corrects some bits. it could do with some checking by someone :)
Nice work! Why not also migrate the legacy template sensors to their new format? I've added an (untested) example below.
template: - sensor: - name: "heishamon_w_production" unit_of_measurement: 'W' state: >- {%- if states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_produced') != "0" -%} {{ states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_produced') }} {%- else -%} {{ states('sensor.aquarea_power_produced') }} {%- endif -%} - name: "heishamon_w_consumption" unit_of_measurement: 'W' state: >- {%- if states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_consumed') != "0" -%} {{ states('sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_consumed') }} {%- else -%} {{ states('sensor.aquarea_power_consumed') }} {%- endif -%} - name: "heishamon_cop" unit_of_measurement: "x" state: >- {%- if states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') != "Unknown" -%} {%- if states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') > "0" -%} {{ '%0.1f' % ((states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') | float ) / (states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') | float)) }} {%- else -%} 0.0 {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} n/a {%- endif -%}
Hi, Yeah, I did not see this yet. I have no experience handling the template sensors. Could you maybe have a go at it? I will replace the one in my post with the updated one from you then *(with mentions to you)
I gave it an attempt, Looking at your code, it is fairly similar. I have removed the - in the %- -% codes, that is the only difference I can spot.
See attached file here.
see latest download below
I do see there is a potential issue that the value can be unknown, throwing an error. Does anyone know how to tackle that?
Beouse you dont have any sensor.heishamon_w_production and sensor.heishamon_w_production ? You should have something like sensor.aquarea_power_produced and sensor.aquarea_power_produced ( acc to #TOP15 and #TOP16) . This entities names can be checked i.e. in development menu.
I get some errors during startup,
TemplateError('ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') != "Unknown" %} {% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') > "0" %} {{ '%0.1f' % ((states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') | float ) / (states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') | float)) }} {% else %} 0.0 {% endif %} {% else %} n/a {% endif %}' but no default was specified') while processing template 'Template("{% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') != "Unknown" %} {% if states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') > "0" %} {{ '%0.1f' % ((states('sensor.heishamon_w_production') | float ) / (states('sensor.heishamon_w_consumption') | float)) }} {% else %} 0.0 {% endif %} {% else %} n/a {% endif %}")' for attribute '_attr_native_value' in entity 'sensor.aquarea_cop'
I will look into it further in a couple of days. But if someone KNOWS what is wrong and willing to fix it, I do not mind :)
I think this is better:
See latest download below
after boot, there is no error anymore now. But im unsure.
Again, can someone please check if this is right?
I do not use the heishamon package .yaml in HomeAssistant myself. I use node red.
I guess I forgot that I have renamed the sensors in my personal yaml.
I will do some testing this weekend (and rename my sensors).
@edterbak I've updated with your heishamon.yaml on latest Home Assistant v 2022.6.6 and all working fine, thanks!
@edterbak I've updated with your heishamon.yaml on latest Home Assistant v 2022.6.6 and all working fine, thanks!
Can you check on the s0 meter if that is all ok?
I got feedback from one other that some naming was changes.
I am having difficulty to understand how this change / error happend. Better to double check if there is an error here or not :)
Your naming of the s0 meter is off.
- name: S0 meter - Solar power Production
and - name: S0 meter - Solar power Production Total
name: Aquarea Metered Power Consumption
and Aquarea Metered Power Consumption Total
for S0_1. Naming of S0_2 is also not identical, which is probably the cause.
Your naming of the s0 meter is off.
- name: S0 meter - Solar power Production
and- name: S0 meter - Solar power Production Total
versusname: Aquarea Metered Power Consumption
andAquarea Metered Power Consumption Total
for S0_1. Naming of S0_2 is also not identical, which is probably the cause.
Is this the only thing 'off'? If so, I can correct it. But if there is more, (and I still dont understand how this happend) I will throw it away and start over to be sure there are no other mistakes.
@edterbak I've checked your latest file against the latest version (https://github.com/Egyras/HeishaMon/blob/master/Integrations/Home%20Assistant/heishamon.yaml) and have made a few changes to sync both files.
Note that I've opted to keep the legacy templates as is.
The naming was off, like kampsj stated. I mentioned this also on GoT. Now all working fine.
@kampsj When I import your latest .txt, I get errors. I started over, with the choose to use of legacy templates now. Maybe later the newer version.
I think there is an indentation difference.
- name: ....
- name
- name
- platform: template
The lower part with platform template is i should be:
- name: "xxx"
- name: "yyy"
- name: "zzz"
- platform: template
The below version works for me, even after reboot. I dont know how you get your version working 😄 heishamon - 23-6-2022.yaml.txt
am I missing something or am I just ignorant ghehehee..
Hopefully I am actually helping here, instead of making a mess.
@edterbak You're right. There were a few (3) errors in my file. I've fixed them in the file below.
I confirm. Our latest versions are now both identical. (give or take some extra lines in between) Both work.
But both are in old template format, which I dont bother with.
I see our work is outdated. pullrequest with updated heishamon.yaml already in there. Hahaha...