Eamon Ma
Eamon Ma
@robertocerdasilva I had the same problem so I made a fork that waits for a certain amount of time before showing the bar. It adds a `debounce` prop. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@approximant/next-progress
Notifications would necessitate a more elaborate discussion, regarding the scope, implementation, and service provider. I think we can hold off on that part for now.
We can expand the scope of #80 to adding notifications in general.
To flesh this one out more, if someone has already added it to the timetable, it should be shown as cancelled in the overview, in the style similar to a...
Let's use an i18n `t()` call for this.
In progress!
I agree, I think inherently sharing selected sections makes this much more valuable.
The latter looks good to me. I tend to avoid query params if possible—for no reason other than it looks ugly. Also, I'd probably extend that to specify lecture section,...
I meant for the course id. So in this case, we would have `https://app.sqrlplanner.com/course//share?lecture=&tutorial=,...`
Ha, I meant to elaborate. The intent of this issue is to acknowledge the open source libraries being used.