I am also a bit late to realize that I have invoked this behavior without noticing it. It's safer to mute it in `system menu-keymap`. Just search for `vim increase`...
> 大佬你好,请问能提供一下手机端不能导出的解决方法吗,计算机小白专门注册了一个号 可以看一下[这个 release](https://github.com/e-zz/obsidian-language-learner/releases/tag/fix-mobile),应该能导出了。 1. 下载解压 `obsidian-language-learner-fix-mobile.zip` 2. 用其替换 `.obsidian\plugins\obsidian-language-learner` 里的对应文件 4. 在 vault 下创建 `wordDB_backup.json` 5. 重开 obsidian,`ctrl p` 输入并运行 `Language Learner: backup local database` 6. 等待 obsidian 弹出提示...
> 似乎还是不行,备份时显示“invalid word database path”,recover和backup都是显示这个错误,刷新单词和复习数据库都没问题 不好意思我写漏了一步,需要先在 vault 下创建文件 `wordDB_backup.json` ,不然会提示文件无效。
似乎手机端、电脑端之间,无法同步学习记录? 另外手机端似乎无法导出
From the error message, I suspect that "Zotero linked attachment base directory" is not correct. Could you check your zotero settings? Find it here: settings → features → zotero →...
我补一个剑桥法英在线词典 ``` https://dictionary.cambridge.org/search/direct/?datasetsearch=french-english&q= ```
> Thank you very much for your efforts, and I'm also sorry for taking so long to reply because I have been very busy with work recently. Hi, Thanks for...
> Thank you for your feedback, 'DEADLINE' represents the deadline of a task, while displaying it in on the calendar requires determining the start date of the task. We are...
> 可以尽快把这个功能合并到master,打包成release使用吗~ @guopenghui https://github.com/e-zz/obsidian-language-learner/releases/tag/db-release 目前插件的原作者似乎不再积极维护了。所以这种重要的功能更新最好谨慎使用,试过再正式升级到以往的 vault,以免万一遇到恶性 bug
> 你好,我也是需要阅读法语材料,求分享一下修改过的可以查询法语的脚本!感激不尽! 你好,相关改动为 https://github.com/guopenghui/obsidian-language-learner/commit/d21c70164025831a6f5801a6255db6fd76cc9baf https://github.com/guopenghui/obsidian-language-learner/commit/45232c737af3135bb138ab07c87b7f7ebcc9efa4 但很久没有维护过了,所以可能不 work