David Wisth
David Wisth
**Description:** The links to the Jupyter notebooks on [this page](https://github.com/MIT-SPARK/Kimera-VIO/blob/master/docs/kimera_vio_debug_evaluation.md) are broken.
Just a tiny thing. There's a typo in the instructions. It should be `cd lidar_imu_calib`, not `cd lidar_imu_calib_beta`. Thanks for open sourcing!
Here's the rough method we figured out for resetting the VI sensor reliably if not working: 1. Close all ros process running. 2. Kill any existing DHCP clients. `ps aux...
In the `smb_path_planner` packages, where the `yaml-cpp` package is used the following should be added to the `package.xml`: ``` yaml_cpp_catkin ``` This should solve any linking issues relating to the...
If you add the below then you can visualise the BMM forward propagated pose using the \T_w_i message. This is useful for task 2 of the visual-inertial tutorial. ``` diff...