Hi LIZW, I’m sorry to hear that. Most likely this means you’ve used the wrong file when saving/restarting the review process. If this is the case nothing I’m afraid can...
Hi! Thank you for the kind words and for pointing out a problem. We will look into this: we are preparing an update for the seal section of the pipeline,...
Hello hzaumsq, I am not sure what is your question here, but it seems that the Hi-C map was not created: Could not read hic file: null. Check your dev/stdout...
Hi YulinBai, Yes, these errors have impact. If the bash requirements are met, this is caused by a mismatch between your fasta and the assembly file. Also check both for...
Hello YulinBai, Please consider checking analogous threads on aidenlab.org/forum.html . Thanks, Olga > On Oct 20, 2020, at 9:11 AM, 18616831168 wrote: > > > Hi YulinBai, Yes, these errors...
Hello Simon-Huang1, Your assembly does not sound extreme to me. You do appear to have a lot of small pieces which is usually the heavy part. Try to use the...
My guess is that you are reviewing the wrong file in Juicebox. JB should load rawchrom.hic and rawchrom.assembly (final.hic and final.assembly in previous versions). These files should not contain gapncontigs...
Hi ggstatgen, 5,242 does not sound very bad to me. Most likely is that this is not an issue with .assembly, but rather with the build. If you load the...
Hi ggstatgen, It's not done by default but there is a flag --build-gapped-map if you want to build a hic map with gaps. That said, you don't want to review...
Ggstagen, Please follow the suggestion from my original reply: set up IntelliJ or any other Java dev environment, clone JB git and build an app locally or run from dev...