3d-dna copied to clipboard
./run-asm-pipeline.sh -m diploid merged_nodups.txt polish.fasta
...detecting misjoins in round 0 assembly:
:) -p flag was triggered. Running with GNU Parallel support parameter set to true.
:) -c flag was triggered, starting calculations with 5% saturation level
:) -w flag was triggered, performing cursory search for mismatches at 500000 resolution
:) -d flag was triggered, depletion score will be averaged across a region bounded by 1000000 superdiagonal
:) -k flag was triggered, starting calculations with 55% depletion as mismatch threshold
:) -n flag was triggered, performing mismatch region thinning at 1000 resolution
...Dumping 500000 resolution matrix
Could not read hic file: null
:( Juicebox dump is empty! Perhaps something is wrong with the hic file or the requested resolution is too high. Exiting!
:) -w flag was triggered, performing cursory search for repeat at 500000 resolution
:) -t flag was triggered, flagging regions with coverage higher than 2
...Dumping 500000 resolution coverage track
Could not read hic file: null
:( Juicebox coverage dump is empty! Perhaps something is wrong with the hic file or the requested resolution is too high. Exiting!
mv: cannot stat 'depletion_score_wide.wig': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'depletion_score_narrow.wig': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'mismatch_wide.bed': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'mismatch_narrow.bed': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'coverage_wide.wig': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'repeats_wide.bed': No such file or directory
awk: fatal: cannot open file merged_nodups.txt.0_asm.superscaf_track.txt' for reading (No such file or directory) awk: /public/msq/3DDNA/3d-dna-master/edit/overlay-edits.awk:20: fatal: cannot open file
merged_nodups.txt.0_asm.scaffold_track.txt' for reading (No such file or directory)
:) No more input edits to be done. Moving to polishing!
:( No resolved files are found. Please rerun the pipeline to include the scaffold segment. Exiting!
Hello hzaumsq,
I am not sure what is your question here, but it seems that the Hi-C map was not created: Could not read hic file: null. Check your dev/stdout for Java message regarding this.
Best, Olga
Hi hzaumsq ,
Did you solve this issue? I have got the same problem.
Best, Tianyu
chmod 777 run-asm-pipeline.sh
chmod 777 run-asm-pipeline.sh
Hi hzaumsq,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I have tried this, the attributes of run-asm-pipeline.sh is -rwxrwxrwx. But still reported the same error.
Best, Tianyu
Hi Tianyu,
I also meet the same error.
Have you fixed this error?
Best, licheng