I miss information on how to effectively contribute to the project. This is something that could be in the `README.md` within the `Contributing` section. Especially information what exact software is...
I'd love to see brackets of all kinds support text content like elements do. While left and right brackets obviously can only support one or two letters (probably numbers?), the...
I'd love to see elements/buttons in the thin/bottom horizontal elbow-bars. While @tenleftfingers seems to have directly formatted this in the screenshots they #15, the fork of @xenziffen seems to support...
Right now, updating trackers via a click on the information bar accepts simple math operations (one single addition/substraction). Yet, it does not accept terms which would actually be very nice...
Sometimes a DM can overlook actions of players that would normally trigger an event (e.g. a booby-trap triggered by a trip-wire). Thus, it would be nice, if Shapes could be...
If one could attach shapes to the viewport instead of the grid (so they would stay fixed in the UI when panning around), users could easily modify their viewport to...
It would be nice to link shapes in some way that PA recognises them as one for the purpose of e.g. moving. These links should ignore layers so that e.g....
Not all systems use strict measurements on their maps. Some, e.g., use abstractions like zones. While grid *size* itself is necessary for all kinds of vision related things, the exact...
Some tools (e.g. Ruler, Ping) use player-specific colours to ease distinction between the users. I'd expect the rectangles created with #759 to also share these colours. Yet, there's a default...
The ruler tool grants the possibility to draw a path around a map, measuring distance and allowing to set waypoints. Yet, this path vanishes the moment the finger is lifted...