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A full-featured bioinformatics software collection for the comprehensive analysis of aptamers in HT-SELEX experiments.
Hi, When I am trying to load configuration.aptasuite file (to see the analysis result), there is the problem of error invoking Selection cycle backend. Even we have tried with high-end...
I really interested in this program. But when I try to call it in command line I get an error message in the end: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0...
Hi I have no coding experience and I am using the GUI of the AptaSUITE to get results for my Aptamer project. After I load all my Fastq files on...
Hello, I was able to parse the fastq files in aptasuite v.0.9.4. (the gui) but afterwards, the aptamer pool tab keeps calculating without showing any data. I got the following...
In aptaCluster section, I ran AptaMut. In the popout window, several columns says "CMP" where it should be "CPM". Also if you pick "Raw Counts" instead of "CPM", those columns...
Hello, I am trying to use AptaSuite but am having issues setting up (windows 10, aptasuite0.9.4). The executable jar file works but after inputting and choosing fastq files to open...
TL, DR: I would like to have a feature where it prints out the reason why aptasuite rejected every one of the rejected sequences. And a summary of rejected sequences....
Hi, AptaSuite asks for using CapR for secondary structures prediction but this program calculates RNA folding. Do you have any suggestions how to involve DNA secondary structure prediction in AptaSuite?...
It would be nice to be able to specify different 5' and 3' ends for different rounds, or have the option to do so. We use a method that requires...
We are working with Aptasuit for the MiSeq sequencing data. After analysis we are observing that the count number is equal to the enrichment round over round. Can you provide...