Results 86 comments of drf5n

Why? If you don't reset the integral, then the tuning changes should be bumpless, per and

Is this issue about overshoot? Or is it about SetTunings? I can't imagine the use-case for making SetTunings non- bumpless. I often operate heaters with PV far from zero, and...

Setting a high proportional constant (e.g. Kp=255, Kp=1e6...) makes the proportional band narrow, and then PID acts like bang-bang because either kP*error>outMax or kP*error

I was playing around with it and added a `SetIntegral(double)` and `GetIntegral(double)` in this sample at Wokwi: (If you play with it, be sure to toggle the SerialMonitor/SerialPlotter graph...

A smaller change to the library than adding functions is to move the PID_v1.h:: outputSum variable from private up to public, which enables all sorts user-space tricks. PR

Yes, the default output range is set to the analogWrite(...) range of 0-255. If you want it to go negative, use SetOutputLimits:

In an Input was ever a nan, it will propagate through into Output and persist. You can check and protect against it in userspace before your compute step: ``` if(isnan(pidOutput)){...

It's this line: ``` OCR2A = 0; // Set TOP to 0. This effectively keeps us from counting becuase the counter just keeps reseting back to 0. ``` Versus the...

> **First of all, thank you for this library. It is really a piece of art.** Probably Iam just **stupid** and can't use it properly. > > **My setup** >...

Downloading the MagCal data from and translating it into mag.csv with awk '{print $1","$2","$3}' mag.txt > mag.csv gives this truncated result: ``` Magneto 1.2 .csv input file name? mag.csv...