Results 86 comments of drf5n

I really like the explicit timer frequency. I fiddled with some of this before on the issue74 branches and the implicitness of the timing interval was very awkward. One way...

Yes. It took me a while to even notice the file saving menu on my Mac, and then I thought I was doing something wrong since I couldn't seem to...

With decreasing ^^^^^^^ you are rebasing on one commit later in history each iteration. With enough of them you are deep in branch's history, and could be before the experimental...

> This behaviour is expected, but the commit isn't exactly dropped. It's still on the experimental branch and the new branch contains only the essence, which happens to be nothing...

My use-case was trying to write a html file for use in iframes as in My workaround, for version 0.5.0, was this: ``` library(highcharter) my_export_hc % head(1) %>% unlist()...

See for more up-to-date fork.

The issue remains in 4.5.2. The F77=F90 workaround still functions.

Does free text decoding work? I get: ``` $ ./gen_ft8 "123456789ABCD" junk.wav && ./decode_ft8 junk.wav Packed data: 06 c6 35 75 bb 05 c6 80 30 00 FSK tones: 3140652016520462622650641600040012273140652547510161532200133002154440523140652...

Perhaps good test sets for free text might be these: ``` CQ RU KF1ABC FN42 KF1ABC WA9XYZ 579 WI WA9XYZ KF1ABC R 589 MA KF1ABC WA9XYZ RR73 KF1ABC GM1AAA 559...

Adding a frequency option with might help with creating tests.