Results 38 issues of drf5n

Try this bit of code in ``: ... c = ['/dev/tty.usbserial'] for x in range(0, 255): c.append('COM' + str(x)) for x in c: try: self.__serialConn = serial.Serial(x) # opens the...

enhancement and conflict with the diagram at Should the analog pins number upwards from digital 24 or downwards from Digital 31 like from ?

The default PID parameters are assigned around it might be nicer to move these out to config.h, or use some optional overrides like PID_I_PARAMETER, etc., in config.h. Also, it...

I was trying to make the Grbl CNC software ( work with some steppers in a couple sketches like or the Uno like In the Description/ file on...

As is, the examples/adc_test errors on this line with an error like this: /Users/drf/Documents/Arduino/libraries/ADC/AnalogBufferDMA.cpp: In member function 'void AnalogBufferDMA::init(ADC*, int8_t)': /Users/drf/Documents/Arduino/libraries/ADC/AnalogBufferDMA.cpp:175:26: error: call to 'ADC::enableDMA' declared with attribute error: Use...

Near the line: Could the code test if filename is `NULL` and otherwise return the string? if (! is.null(filename)) writeLines(jslns, filename) else return(jsnls) Note that the `stopifnot()` and `.js`...


The main link for documentation for elapsedMillis seems to be but it doesn't document the elapsedSeconds code available in the library. There is advice for installation on to:...

It would be nice to have the code be in it's own fumik_rv9 subfolder like: fumik_rv9/fumik_rv9.ino so Arduino doesn't complain and move it. It would also be nice to see...

I was trying to use this file to join and

On the ATMega2560 and ATMega32U, there's an Output Compare Modulator (OCM1C0A) that does this modulation in Hardware, however it is limited to just the Arduino Mega digital pin 13. If...