Drew Baker

Results 88 comments of Drew Baker

This is a cross domain scripting error I think. Same one I've had with the original canvas script that Blurjs is based on. See here for details: https://github.com/Quasimondo/QuasimondoJS/issues/7

We use this for a thumbtray of nuxt-links below a video. When you click to drag the tray, on mouseup it will follow the link that you cursor is on.

I'm pretty sure the `loadVideoById` in the underlying API method doesn't allow for `playerVars`. https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#loadVideoById

Did you ever get this to work? I could never get the ready event to fire with with an existing iFrame.

Thanks! I have the handle, but how do I get the signature? That is the bit that is not clear in the docs. My URL needs to be something like...

I just ran into this issue today when trying to create an optimistic UI pattern. I create a temp record client side, then persist it to the server and update...

It would be great to have a `rollbackDelete` method for this sort of thing too. Being able to optimistically delete, then rollback deletion on error server side would be great....

I would love this if it works!

@kiaking it would be great to get this merged. This bug breaks optimistic UI patterns.

I found myself wanting this today. Basically I want to insert a record, then do a API call, and on success update that record, or delete it on API error....