Drew Baker

Results 88 comments of Drew Baker

I ran into this error today with a Nuxt site. Works locally, but on Netlifty it errors out at build: ``` 3:09:39 PM: ERR! JisonLexerError: Lexical error on line 1:...

I managed to get a successful deploy by just changing the syntax to this: ``` @for $i from 1 to 50 { .menu-item:nth-child($(i)) { --index: $(i); transition-delay: calc(var(--index) * 40ms);...

Yeah I'm moving to VS Code after Atom end of life, and finding it really difficult to get this working too.

@idahogurl im way ahead of you. That totally was the answer and I even wrote up some docs for my team to follow: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/How-to-get-VS-Code-setup--BkGlDyauC~UZtwk4iPO83e~yAQ-38r84QublFNAzo74LSCwf?_tk=slack_preview

I agree. Would love to know more about how static works and best practices for using it.

Would love this to work with `nuxt generate` and the crawler

@mornir Thanks for that! I just implemented it, but I realized you can use the default sitemap option `filter` to exclude routes, so you don't need to define them in...

I tired making a PR for this, but kept getting Git commit issues. Never done a PR to an OSS project before. Oh well I give up. So frustrating what...

Just ran into this with SVGO defaults. Seems crazy that by default you break SVG scaling using CSS. ``` // This won't scale using CSS. This is the default. //...

@GreLI are you prepared to reconsider this?