Drew Baker

Results 72 issues of Drew Baker

Would be great to see this support Vue single file components!

Fix for https://github.com/gerasimvol/vue-prlx/issues/40 I also ran it through Prettier, but did it did some small formatting changes that you may not want but I was too far gone to change...

I'd like to be able to get parallax on elements that are inside scrolling divs, not the always the `window`. PR to follow...

In regular wordress `the_content()` gets run through the `wpautop()` function and the expand shortcode function, but `the_excerpt()` does not. But WPGraphQL runs them both through wpautop(). Would be great to...

Type: Enhancement
Status: Discussion
Type: Feature

### Version [v4.0.0-rc.19](https://github.com/apollo-module/releases/tag/v4.0.0-rc.19) ### Reproduction link [https://pyj86.sse.codesandbox.io](https://pyj86.sse.codesandbox.io) ### Steps to reproduce If `httpLinkOptions.credentials = true` it seems the `Cookie` header is set when client side, but not when the SSR...


### What problem does this feature solve? It would be great if this could use the new Nuxt fetch() API so that smart queries would be SSR'd at all component...

With `v0.5.1` anytime I open a field group to edit it, and then do nothing, and try to leave the page, I get this error:

status: awaiting author response

I have the `fileId`, and I have my API key (from a request to the server), how do I generate a download URL client side? I'm trying to show links...

It would be great if this supported your defined custom webpack loaders, so we could use SVG's as components and have them auto imported. I wish we could do this:...

On Safari 9.0 (the latest), `event.deltaY` is either 1, or -1. It never goes any higher than that. So it's not consistent across browsers. On Chrome it works fine. ![screen...