
Results 295 comments of DreamPiggy

Any idea for this feature request ? @Insofan There are still 2 options here: 1. Provide the API which receive context, and policy, to manage the retry automatically. User choose...

Note: Kingfisher choose the first one: https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfisher/pull/1447

@cntrump Hi. I see you have some use case for this State-like View API. Which means, a `UIView` have multiple image and their responding state, like URL, progress, indicator, transaction...

I wonder, if the user who want to call `UIView+WebCache` methods, are all advanced users, we can treat this `UIView+WebCache` as a building block API for developer who want to...

```objective-c /** A loading storage keeping all of the related property, associated to single image request */ @interface SDWebImageLoadStorage // Description is same as current property @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly,...

Usage code for cases when I want to observe different state's loading progress on UIButton: ```objective-c - (void)testUIButton { NSURL *url; NSURL *disabledUrl; // Normal SDWebImageLoadStorage *storage = [SDWebImageLoadStorage new];...

Usage code for cases when I want to set different transaction animation for normal image and highlighted image on UIImageView: ```objective-c - (void)testUIImageView { NSURL *url; NSURL *highlightedUrl; // image...

Those `UIView+WebCache` is for advanced user, for convenience API on `UIButton+WebCache.h`, we can create one like this: ```objective-c @interface UIButton (WebCache) /** Get the image progress for a control state....

Your application is run out of memory. The image data is a `NSMutableData`, and it should be called `copy` before decoding to make sure thread-safe. However, if the image raw...