
Results 295 comments of DreamPiggy

> [NewXcodeTest.zip](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/files/9196822/NewXcodeTest.zip) This demo is not available.

I guess this is related to something changes on Apple's ImageIO. I test progressive JPEG2000 images can render actually progressivelly on iOS 10. But long time after that test. You...

Disk Cache Query is Async. If : 1.A Query URL1 2.A Memory Cache Miss (Sync) 3.A Disk Cache Miss (Async) 3'.B Query URL1 4.A Download URL1 5'.B Memory Cache Miss...

This can not been solved by simple changes. We can leave this issue here for future solution. If you really want to avoid this download, you can use `queryDiskCacheSync`, but...

A and B are two different request chain. (You `sd_setImage` is called a image request).

Just remember, by default, both `Query Disk Cache` and `Store Disk Cache` is async operation, they can take time as long as Network request. Though there are also options and...

Fixed in [v5.12.0](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.12.0)

I guess this may related to something ImageIO optimization changes. Or even Apple's bug. Can you please provide the demo project in your screenshot ? Let me try to investigate...

为什么UIImage不能后台调用?Apple文档标记了是线程安全的,如果不是,应该Feedback给Apple。 大部分代码都依赖UIImage,ImageIO的线程安全书写的。如果这一假设违背,接口层需要改动,不仅仅是实现层。