
Results 295 comments of DreamPiggy

@fuguangxin A stupid way: Use https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin This wrap a `YYImageDecoder` into SDWebImage's coder plugin API (means, conforms to `SDImageCoder` protocol) You can use this coder to force load PNG without...

What about this ? Use https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin Actually, that https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin/blob/master/SDWebImageYYPlugin/Classes/YYImage/YYImageBridge/SDImageYYCoder.m

So this is concluded as Apple's Bug ? Should we fix this ? (provide a libpng based codec ?) or update to #3605 A new bug in iOS 17's ImageIO...

> I suggest that we can provide a way to solve this problem.Apple has not solved this problem for too long. Is there any open-source libpng (A objc/C++/swift wrapper is...

YYImage do the simple thing to add extensions to apng, why not just continue to use that ? You can filter only PNG format and iOS 17.0 (means , buggy...

> It will take some time any way to integrate APNG. APNG stores each frame in different size and expects that you will position and blend next frame into last...

This is a feature which need the upstream SDWebImage support In SD6, we will support `all of playing status on each image view in sync` Currently seems hard to do,...

Seems long time pass. Do you still have this feature request ? I'd like to introdce a API, which allows you to sync different image views (For UIKit, it's `SDAnimatedImageView`,...

Is this behavior what you want ? [Demo.mov.zip](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI/files/15351908/Demo.mov.zip) Note for the `Synchronization`, we have some hack behavior like `pauseable` modifier, which may cause other view status mass. Currently I disable...

Seems OOM issue ? Can not get any useful information from stacktrace. This API just use the code from Apple example to re-draw `CGImage`