
Results 295 comments of DreamPiggy

Again. MD5 is **hashing** function, not **cryptographic**. The usage of MD5 here, is just because `URL can not save as filename, because macOS or All POSIX system, does not allows...

Apple does not provide any gurantee that `hashValue` will always be valid and stable, across iOS versions. If they change the implementation across to iOS versions, user upgrade from old...

@Insofan That #3069 should be re-considered. I think use custom hashing function, not SHA256, which can allows our SDWebImage's use case: + Must generate a `File Path` compatible String +...

> "Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet" This is one great solution. We can use this to avoid file system issue. However, some of my personal idea:...

Any time profile about the performance bump for this ? You can use Instruments to trace and dump the result, for example, by running some fixed image URL (from local...

OK. I think it's reasonable to avoid extra `conformsToProtocol:` check and just check the selector.

Check your code firstly. Seems you use objc_associatedObject to bind a `SDImageCache` to `UIImage`, which cause the recursive deallocating. Because SDMemoryCache is a NSCache, which may keep a strong references...

You stacktrace does not match your issue title :( And I guess, this here shows `CGImageGetImageSource`, maybe this related to issue #3273, please check that instead.

Seems a interesting feature request. I previously have a idea about it, but after some consideration I think this feature need some detailed search before writing code. For most people,...

@jerelevine Any good idea about this feature request ? Actually, from myself's use case, I don't have a really strong rely on this automatically retry. Do you have some good...