Daniel McCloy

Results 258 comments of Daniel McCloy

just so I understand: your use case is that in your screenshot, you want the cards under "data import" and the cards under "visualizations" to be the same size, right?...

> Anything else? I'm not a maintainer here 😅 I'd have to dig into the source to see. But just thinking about it, your checklist looks reasonable and complete to...

very interesting! Thanks for the clear summary of the issue. Having just spent a week trying to wrestle sphinx/docutils into submission on a different issue, I feel both daunted by...

wonderful, thanks for the contribution! @12rambau is the localization expert around here, but I think I know enough to parrot him here and say "this needs to be done through...

Does it not work to use the `.. graphviz::` directive in examples? I.e., in MNE-Python we have this: ```rst .. graphviz:: ../_static/diagrams/git_setup.dot ``` which renders automatically as the "schematic of...

I take that back. We *have* done it inside a SG-processed example: https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/blob/468aae3daf975c0a81bf3a33a2037e078920bde6/tutorials/preprocessing/40_artifact_correction_ica.py#L151-L153 resulting image is at the end of [this tutorial section](https://mne.tools/dev/auto_tutorials/preprocessing/40_artifact_correction_ica.html#ica-in-mne-python)

> one can for sure do that, but then it is either saving as a file or adding content of the dot-file to the rst. ah, OK, I somehow missed...

> For example perhaps this section: > > https://mne.tools/stable/auto_tutorials/clinical/30_ecog.html#plot-gamma-power-on-cortical-sensors > > Maybe you could show how size could be used instead of or in addition to colors. +1, that seems...