Daniel McCloy

Results 258 comments of Daniel McCloy

> as part of the translations project (assuming it gets funded), I'd help contribute what seems to be a pretty critical missing feature for usable translation support to this upstream...

nowadays we use Playwright in our a11y tests, and we've discussed ([here](https://github.com/pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme/issues/1628#issuecomment-1878878294) and following comments) expanding playwright to testing other aspects of the site too. So I think this can...

> Note that the scipy.org website (which uses the [scientific python hugo theme](https://github.com/scientific-python/scientific-python-hugo-theme)) has incorporated some of the purple/violet (?) highlights Indeed, we've been working to unify several elements of...

when a channel type gets changed (in this case presumably from "EEG" to "Temp") then these warnings happen. Same with GSR1 and GSR2, which are skin conductance (in Siemens). All...

> This issue should actually be transferred over to MNE-BIDS. done

See the sphinx documentation: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.html#directive-only > Warning > > This directive is designed to control only content of document. It could not control sections, labels and so on.

Please read the doc I linked to more carefully. In particular, the part that I quoted says that the `.. only::` directive *DOES NOT WORK* to hide section titles, labels,...

> I'm -0.5 on more general ragged epoch support though, I think this could be kept small in scope. Does that sound reasonable or is it important to support more...

hey @12rambau this is getting pretty close: ![Screenshot_2023-08-05_12-00-07](https://github.com/pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme/assets/1810515/260fed3e-74ea-44bc-9590-e7637b555364) maybe you can help with the last mile? Here's what remains: - [ ] needs documentation, I'll do that (have a local...

> May I ask a perhaps controversial question: do we really need the Read The Docs version switcher? It does more stuff than our in-built one does, and some users...