I seem to have the same issue. When I tap a download button the label changes to X, but nothing else happens. Xperia X, Android 8. Seems to be the...
fyi the logfile above, which requires a login to read: ``` Published using Logviewer for Ubuntu Touch From file /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-vivid_vlc_0.0-.log: VLC media player 2.2.2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.2-0-g6259d80) [[32;1m00024930[0m] core libvlc:...
I wonder whether the problem is on the one hand some devices might not have support for certain video codecs in hardware and on the other hand there is a...
Stupid question: Can you start a landscape app and then lock it in landscape and further on use it in landscape until you unlock and start a portrait app, etc....
Sure, I get that. Some apps do ALWAYS start in landscape (Machines vs Machines). Other apps do ALWAYS start in portrait (Dialer I think). I expect that this behavior does...
@NeoTheThird , @mariogrip you tagged it as good first issue and help wanted, but I'm wondering, what is the "normal" use case to support here? Isn't this only useful for...
Don't take it personal, but in my opinion the benefit of this still doesn't outweigh my preference for a simple and clean UI. So I understand the use case is:...
> Maybe we should also think of monitors used in portrait not having any sensors... True. I didn't think of this. But now we're talking about setting up a desktop...
maybe related:the pinephone has an area without touch input. it's not a black rectangle notch, there is still graphical output displayed, but no touch input