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PhyloSuite is an integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies

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newest added PhyloSuite An integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies Don

34d09edcc9dceaf5dc56012aff77ec4f Installers for all platforms can be downloaded from Download Now 1.1. WindowsWindows 7, 8 and 10 are supported, just double click the PhyloSuite

647b529b1facfc122614eeb5a0e685b5 PhyloSuite: from data aquisition to phylogenetic tree annotation (single gene tree building)


ModelFinder v2.2.0 (Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017) was used to select the best-fit model using BIC criterion. Best-fit model according to BIC: Q.pfam+R5.然后建树时没有这个模型,请问怎么解决,谢谢老师。

老师,请问我在提取16S序列的时候遇到的这种报错该怎么解决? "The program encountered an unforeseen problem, please report the bug at or send an email with the detailed traceback to [email protected]" 每次遇到这种序列都无法识别: misc_feature 2402 /note="contains 12S ribosomal RNA,...

Traceback (most recent call last): File "src\", line 2748, in _exec File "src\", line 4043, in saveGeneralFile File "src\", line 1034, in align_order TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable 分析质粒,但无法正常提取序列,遇到以上解释?

张老师你好!我在串联线粒体基因组和多个核基因时将线粒体基因组的蛋白编码基因标记为PCG只提取1,2位密码子,核基因不标记,出现一条核基因序列报错,但是取消标记生成PCGsN数据集时又能正常运行,单独串联核基因,不标记PCG,但是下面勾选了Split codon这条基因也会有同样报错,请问是什么原因? Traceback (most recent call last): File "src\", line 572, in run_command File "src\", line 133, in __init__ File "src\", line 148, in concatenate File "src\", line 225, in...

Hi, I am trying to extract GenBank files, but not working (see below) No features could be found in these IDs: MW666182_G_mediotorus_new_variant_N_texanus_WI_USA, MT879676_Gyrodactylus_ticuchi_Notropis_moralesi_Mexico_Cypriniformes_Leuciscidae, MT879671_Gyrodactylus_tobala_Notropis_imeldae_Mexico_Cypriniformes_Leuciscidae, MH667466_Gyrodactylus_sp_Misgurnus_anguillicaudatus_USA_Cypriniformes_Cobitidae, MH667465_Gyrodactylus_sp_Misgurnus_anguillicaudatus_USA_Cypriniformes_Cobitidae, KT149288_Gyrodactylus_sp_Notemigonus_crysoleucas_Minnesota_Cypriniformes_Leuciscidae, KF263527_Gyrodactylus_laevisoides_Canada_Phoxinus_eos_Cypriniformes_Leuciscidae, KF178301_G_mediotorus_original_description_N_hudsonius_CANADA, HQ738514_Ieredactylus_rivuli_Rivulus_hartii_Cyprinodontiformes_Rivulidae_Trinidad,...

MrBayes stopped abnormally. Click Show log to see detail! You may copy the command (D:\PhyloSuite_v1.2.3_Win64_with_plugins\PhyloSuite_v1.2.3_Win64_with_plugins\PhyloSuite\plugins\MrBayes-3.2.7-WIN/bin/mb.3.2.7-win64.exe) to the terminal to debug it. For details, please visit [here](

Applying PhyloSuite to analyze the base composition, RSCU and so on.