Dmitry Kurtaev

Results 87 comments of Dmitry Kurtaev

Hi! I have updated this PR to use a separate package for OpenVINO related logic. I'm going maintain and develop it. I've also initiated a transfer procedure to

Hi! Glad to inform that we transferred the package to OpenVINO org ([here]( Updated this pull request correspondingly.

@jupyterjazz, @dakshvar22, I have updated PR to use the latest OpenVINO version 2022.1. Also, removed `max_length` option.

Can this op fit to `DetectionOutput` layer?

With `--use_legacy_frontend` model is compiled but there is an accuracy problem. ONNX model: Test data: test script: ```python import numpy as np from openvino.runtime import Core, Tensor with...

Hi! When running through QEMU, do not forget `v=true` for vectorization support: `qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true ./app`. If running on CPU, check for `v` extension by `cat /proc/cpuinfo`. Here is an...

@l-bat, please join to review

Please format the metrics as a table and exclude all non related information (bounding boxes, number of videos).

@ieliz, do you have thoughts why DaSiam RPN tracker has worse results comparing to others? Have you visualized it's results?

@ieliz, first you need to check what exactly differs - before getting a final metric there are a lot of intermediate steps - dataset loading, tracker execution, metric calculation.