Dmitry Kurtaev

Results 87 comments of Dmitry Kurtaev

Oh, despite, it worked only for odd dimensions at input: ```python import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize for l in range(5, 9): for t in...

@ppwwyyxx, there is a statement that > [INTER_NEAREST_EXACT]( will produce same results as the nearest neighbor method in PIL, scikit-image or Matlab. So the goal of is to resolve...

Can we close an issue? RVV has been tested by @mshabunin on C906 and it worked.

If MLFlow is considered as an alternative to text logs analysis so precise metrics comparison is a critical thing. Especially weird thing is that UI rounds them to upper value...

Please take a look at this PR:

@likholat, can you please take a look? OpenVINO code should be updated to the latest API.

I have also faced a CUDA OOM on long audio samples. Maybe my solution might help you too? Surprisingly, small changes in math helped not to hit the limit...