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LaSOT-based benchmark for trackers

Open ieliz opened this issue 4 years ago • 12 comments

Added Python3 script with a benchmark for trackers. LaSOT paper: TrackingNet paper: TrackingNet repo:

For every tracker was used a particular rate of re-initialization (measured in frames).

UPD 07.07.2020:

Current values for the LaSOT dataset (testing part) on Ubuntu 18.04:
Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:        
Boosting            |0.2911              |0.2463              |0.3036              
MIL                 |0.2801              |0.2459              |0.2897              
KCF                 |0.2298              |0.1907              |0.2456              
MedianFlow          |0.2443              |0.2100              |0.2366              
CSRT                |0.3316              |0.3158              |0.3755              
MOSSE               |0.2329              |0.1845              |0.2364                          

GOTURN still has some memory issues. The issue is reported.

DaSiamRPN results for the LaSOT dataset (testing part) on Ubuntu 18.04:
Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:        
DaSiamRPN           |0.2337              |0.1701              |0.1950              
Version of the benchmark for DaSiamRPN:
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import argparse
import warnings
import os

class DaSiamRPNTracker:
    def __init__(self, im, target_pos, target_sz, net, kernel_r1, kernel_cls1):
        self.windowing = "cosine"
        self.exemplar_size = 127
        self.instance_size = 271
        self.total_stride = 8
        self.score_size = (self.instance_size -
                           self.exemplar_size) // self.total_stride + 1
        self.context_amount = 0.5
        self.ratios = [0.33, 0.5, 1, 2, 3]
        self.scales = [8, ]
        self.anchor_num = len(self.ratios) * len(self.scales)
        self.penalty_k = 0.055
        self.window_influence = 0.42 = 0.295
        self.im_h = im.shape[0]
        self.im_w = im.shape[1]
        self.target_pos = target_pos
        self.target_sz = target_sz
        self.avg_chans = np.mean(im, axis=(0, 1)) = net
        self.score = []

        if ((self.target_sz[0] * self.target_sz[1]) / float(self.im_h * self.im_w)) < 0.004:
                "Using initializing bounding box of that size may cause inaccuracy of predictions!",
                category=None, stacklevel=1, source=None)
        self.anchor = self.__generate_anchor()
        wc_z = self.target_sz[0] + self.context_amount * sum(self.target_sz)
        hc_z = self.target_sz[1] + self.context_amount * sum(self.target_sz)
        s_z = round(np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z))
        z_crop = self.__get_subwindow_tracking(im, self.exemplar_size, s_z)
        z_crop = z_crop.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(
            1, 3, 127, 127).astype(np.float32)
        z_f ='63')
        r1 = kernel_r1.forward()
        cls1 = kernel_cls1.forward()
        r1 = r1.reshape(20, 256, 4, 4)
        cls1 = cls1.reshape(10, 256, 4, 4)'65'), 0, r1)'68'), 0, cls1)
        if self.windowing == "cosine":
            self.window = np.outer(np.hanning(
                self.score_size), np.hanning(self.score_size))
        elif self.windowing == "uniform":
            self.window = np.ones((self.score_size, self.score_size))
        self.window = np.tile(self.window.flatten(), self.anchor_num)

    def __generate_anchor(self):
        self.anchor = np.zeros((self.anchor_num, 4),  dtype=np.float32)
        size = self.total_stride * self.total_stride
        count = 0
        for ratio in self.ratios:
            ws = int(np.sqrt(size / ratio))
            hs = int(ws * ratio)
            for scale in self.scales:
                wws = ws * scale
                hhs = hs * scale
                self.anchor[count] = [0, 0, wws, hhs]
                count += 1
        score_sz = int(self.score_size)
        self.anchor = np.tile(self.anchor, score_sz *
                              score_sz).reshape((-1, 4))
        ori = - (score_sz / 2) * self.total_stride
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid([ori + self.total_stride * dx for dx in range(score_sz)], [
                             ori + self.total_stride * dy for dy in range(score_sz)])
        xx, yy = np.tile(xx.flatten(), (self.anchor_num, 1)).flatten(), np.tile(
            yy.flatten(), (self.anchor_num, 1)).flatten()
        self.anchor[:, 0], self.anchor[:, 1] = xx.astype(
            np.float32), yy.astype(np.float32)
        return self.anchor

    def track(self, im):
        wc_z = self.target_sz[1] + self.context_amount * sum(self.target_sz)
        hc_z = self.target_sz[0] + self.context_amount * sum(self.target_sz)
        s_z = np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z)
        scale_z = self.exemplar_size / s_z
        d_search = (self.instance_size - self.exemplar_size) / 2
        pad = d_search / scale_z
        s_x = round(s_z + 2 * pad)
        x_crop = self.__get_subwindow_tracking(im, self.instance_size, s_x)
        x_crop = x_crop.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(
            1, 3, 271, 271).astype(np.float32)
        self.score = self.__tracker_eval(x_crop, scale_z)
        self.target_pos[0] = max(0, min(self.im_w, self.target_pos[0]))
        self.target_pos[1] = max(0, min(self.im_h, self.target_pos[1]))
        self.target_sz[0] = max(10, min(self.im_w, self.target_sz[0]))
        self.target_sz[1] = max(10, min(self.im_h, self.target_sz[1]))

    def __tracker_eval(self, x_crop, scale_z):
        target_size = self.target_sz * scale_z
        outNames =
        outNames = ['66', '68']
        delta, score =
        delta = np.transpose(delta, (1, 2, 3, 0))
        delta = np.ascontiguousarray(delta, dtype=np.float32)
        delta = np.reshape(delta, (4, -1))
        score = np.transpose(score, (1, 2, 3, 0))
        score = np.ascontiguousarray(score, dtype=np.float32)
        score = np.reshape(score, (2, -1))
        score = self.__softmax(score)[1, :]
        delta[0, :] = delta[0, :] * self.anchor[:, 2] + self.anchor[:, 0]
        delta[1, :] = delta[1, :] * self.anchor[:, 3] + self.anchor[:, 1]
        delta[2, :] = np.exp(delta[2, :]) * self.anchor[:, 2]
        delta[3, :] = np.exp(delta[3, :]) * self.anchor[:, 3]

        def __change(r):
            return np.maximum(r, 1./r)

        def __sz(w, h):
            pad = (w + h) * 0.5
            sz2 = (w + pad) * (h + pad)
            return np.sqrt(sz2)

        def __sz_wh(wh):
            pad = (wh[0] + wh[1]) * 0.5
            sz2 = (wh[0] + pad) * (wh[1] + pad)
            return np.sqrt(sz2)

        s_c = __change(__sz(delta[2, :], delta[3, :]) / (__sz_wh(target_size)))
        r_c = __change(
            (target_size[0] / target_size[1]) / (delta[2, :] / delta[3, :]))
        penalty = np.exp(-(r_c * s_c - 1.) * self.penalty_k)
        pscore = penalty * score
        pscore = pscore * (1 - self.window_influence) + \
            self.window * self.window_influence
        best_pscore_id = np.argmax(pscore)
        target = delta[:, best_pscore_id] / scale_z
        target_size /= scale_z
        lr = penalty[best_pscore_id] * score[best_pscore_id] *
        res_x = target[0] + self.target_pos[0]
        res_y = target[1] + self.target_pos[1]
        res_w = target_size[0] * (1 - lr) + target[2] * lr
        res_h = target_size[1] * (1 - lr) + target[3] * lr
        self.target_pos = np.array([res_x, res_y])
        self.target_sz = np.array([res_w, res_h])
        return score[best_pscore_id]

    def __softmax(self, x):
        x_max = x.max(0)
        e_x = np.exp(x - x_max)
        y = e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0)
        return y

    def __get_subwindow_tracking(self, im, model_size, original_sz):
        im_sz = im.shape
        c = (original_sz + 1) / 2
        context_xmin = round(self.target_pos[0] - c)
        context_xmax = context_xmin + original_sz - 1
        context_ymin = round(self.target_pos[1] - c)
        context_ymax = context_ymin + original_sz - 1
        left_pad = int(max(0., -context_xmin))
        top_pad = int(max(0., -context_ymin))
        right_pad = int(max(0., context_xmax - im_sz[1] + 1))
        bottom_pad = int(max(0., context_ymax - im_sz[0] + 1))
        context_xmin += left_pad
        context_xmax += left_pad
        context_ymin += top_pad
        context_ymax += top_pad
        r, c, k = im.shape
        if any([top_pad, bottom_pad, left_pad, right_pad]):
            te_im = np.zeros((r + top_pad + bottom_pad, c +
                              left_pad + right_pad, k), np.uint8)
            te_im[top_pad:top_pad + r, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = im
            if top_pad:
                te_im[0:top_pad, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = self.avg_chans
            if bottom_pad:
                te_im[r + top_pad:, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = self.avg_chans
            if left_pad:
                te_im[:, 0:left_pad, :] = self.avg_chans
            if right_pad:
                te_im[:, c + left_pad:, :] = self.avg_chans
            im_patch_original = te_im[int(context_ymin):int(
                context_ymax + 1), int(context_xmin):int(context_xmax + 1), :]
            im_patch_original = im[int(context_ymin):int(
                context_ymax + 1), int(context_xmin):int(context_xmax + 1), :]
        if not np.array_equal(model_size, original_sz):
            im_patch_original = cv.resize(
                im_patch_original, (model_size, model_size))
        return im_patch_original

def get_iou(new, gt):
    new_xmin, new_ymin, new_w, new_h = new
    gt_xmin, gt_ymin, gt_w, gt_h = gt
    def get_max_coord(coord, size): return coord + size - 1.0
    new_xmax, new_ymax = get_max_coord(new_xmin, new_w), get_max_coord(
        new_ymin, new_h)
    gt_xmax, gt_ymax = get_max_coord(gt_xmin, gt_w), get_max_coord(
        gt_ymin, gt_h)
    dx = max(0, min(new_xmax, gt_xmax) - max(new_xmin, gt_xmin))
    dy = max(0, min(new_ymax, gt_ymax) - max(new_ymin, gt_ymin))
    area_of_overlap = dx * dy
    area_of_union = (new_xmax - new_xmin) * (new_ymax - new_ymin) + (
        gt_xmax - gt_xmin) * (gt_ymax - gt_ymin) - area_of_overlap
    iou = area_of_overlap / area_of_union if area_of_union != 0 else 0
    return iou

def get_pr(new, gt, is_norm):
    new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h = new
    gt_x, gt_y, gt_w, gt_h = gt
    def get_center(coord, size): return coord + (size + 1.0) / 2
    new_cx, new_cy, gt_cx, gt_cy = get_center(new_x, new_w), get_center(
        new_y, new_h), get_center(gt_x, gt_w), get_center(gt_y, gt_h)
    dx = new_cx - gt_cx
    dy = new_cy - gt_cy
    if is_norm:
        dx /= gt_w
        dy /= gt_h
    return np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Run LaSOT-based benchmark for DaSiamRPN tracker")
    parser.add_argument("--net", type=str, default="dasiamrpn_model.onnx",
                        help="Full path to onnx model of net")
    parser.add_argument("--kernel_r1", type=str, default="dasiamrpn_kernel_r1.onnx",
                        help="Full path to onnx model of kernel_r1")
    parser.add_argument("--kernel_cls1", type=str, default="dasiamrpn_kernel_cls1.onnx",
                        help="Full path to onnx model of kernel_cls1")
    parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str,
                        help="Full path to LaSOT folder")
    parser.add_argument("--v", dest="visualization", action='store_true',
                        help="Showing process of tracking")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    trackers = ["DaSiamRPN"]
    cx, cy, w, h = 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0

    net = cv.dnn.readNet(
    kernel_r1 = cv.dnn.readNet(args.kernel_r1)
    kernel_cls1 = cv.dnn.readNet(args.kernel_cls1)

    video_names = os.path.join(args.dataset, "testing_set.txt")
    with open(video_names, 'rt') as f:
        list_of_videos ='\n').split('\n')

    iou_avg = []
    pr_avg = []
    n_pr_avg = []

    for tracker_name in trackers:

        print("Tracker name: ", tracker_name)

        number_of_thresholds = 21
        iou_video = np.zeros(number_of_thresholds)
        pr_video = np.zeros(number_of_thresholds)
        n_pr_video = np.zeros(number_of_thresholds)
        iou_thr = np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_thresholds)
        pr_thr = np.linspace(0, 50, number_of_thresholds)
        n_pr_thr = np.linspace(0, 0.5, number_of_thresholds)

        for video_name in list_of_videos:

            init_once = False
            print("\tVideo name: " + str(video_name))
            gt_file = open(os.path.join(args.dataset, video_name,
                                        "groundtruth.txt"), "r")
            gt_bb = gt_file.readline().rstrip("\n").split(",")
            init_bb = tuple([float(b) for b in gt_bb])

            video_sequence = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(
                args.dataset, video_name, "img")))

            iou_values = []
            pr_values = []
            n_pr_values = []
            frame_counter = len(video_sequence)

            for number_of_the_frame, image in enumerate(video_sequence):
                frame = cv.imread(os.path.join(
                    args.dataset, video_name, "img", image))
                gt_bb = tuple([float(x) for x in gt_bb])

                if gt_bb[2] == 0 or gt_bb[3] == 0:
                    gt_bb = gt_file.readline().rstrip("\n").split(",")
                    frame_counter -= 1

                if ((number_of_the_frame + 1) % 250 == 0):
                    init_once = False
                    init_bb = gt_bb

                if not init_once:
                    target_pos, target_sz = np.array(
                        [init_bb[0], init_bb[1]]), np.array(
                            [init_bb[2], init_bb[3]])
                    tracker = DaSiamRPNTracker(
                        frame, target_pos, target_sz, net, kernel_r1, kernel_cls1)
                    init_once = True
                w, h = tracker.target_sz
                cx, cy = tracker.target_pos
                new_bb = (cx, cy, w, h)

                if args.visualization:
                    new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h = list(map(int, new_bb))
                    cv.rectangle(frame, (new_x, new_y), ((
                        new_x + new_w), (new_y + new_h)), (200, 0, 0))
                    cv.imshow("Tracking", frame)

                iou_values.append(get_iou(new_bb, gt_bb))
                pr_values.append(get_pr(new_bb, gt_bb, is_norm=False))
                n_pr_values.append(get_pr(new_bb, gt_bb, is_norm=True))

                gt_bb = gt_file.readline().rstrip("\n").split(",")

            iou_video += (np.fromiter([sum(
                i >= thr for i in iou_values).astype(
                    float) / frame_counter for thr in iou_thr], dtype=float))
            pr_video += (np.fromiter([sum(
                i <= thr for i in pr_values).astype(
                    float) / frame_counter for thr in pr_thr], dtype=float))
            n_pr_video += (np.fromiter([sum(
                i <= thr for i in n_pr_values).astype(
                    float) / frame_counter for thr in n_pr_thr], dtype=float))

        iou_mean_avg = np.array(iou_video) / len(list_of_videos)
        pr_mean_avg = np.array(pr_video) / len(list_of_videos)
        n_pr_mean_avg = np.array(n_pr_video) / len(list_of_videos)

        iou = np.trapz(iou_mean_avg, x=iou_thr) / iou_thr[-1]
        pr = np.trapz(pr_mean_avg, x=pr_thr) / pr_thr[-1]
        n_pr = np.trapz(n_pr_mean_avg, x=n_pr_thr) / n_pr_thr[-1]

        iou_avg.append('%.4f' % iou)
        pr_avg.append('%.4f' % pr)
        n_pr_avg.append('%.4f' % n_pr)

    titles = ["Names:", "IoU:", "Precision:", "N.Precision:"]
    data = [titles] + list(zip(trackers, iou_avg, pr_avg, n_pr_avg))
    for number, for_tracker in enumerate(data):
        line = '|'.join(str(x).ljust(20) for x in for_tracker)
        if number == 0:
            print('-' * len(line))

if __name__ == "__main__":

UPD 29.07.2020:

Results for GOTURN:

Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:        
GOTURN              |0.2259              |0.1789              |0.2243              

Links to fixes for GOTURN will be provided here soon.

UPD 14.08.2020:

Link to PR with fixes for GOTURN tracker. Table with all results:

Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:        
Boosting            |0.2911              |0.2463              |0.3036              
MIL                 |0.2801              |0.2459              |0.2897              
KCF                 |0.2298              |0.1907              |0.2456              
MedianFlow          |0.2443              |0.2100              |0.2366              
CSRT                |0.3316              |0.3158              |0.3755              
MOSSE               |0.2329              |0.1845              |0.2364                          
GOTURN              |0.2259              |0.1789              |0.2243              
DaSiamRPN           |0.2337              |0.1701              |0.1950              

UPD 07.09.2020:

Pull request for GOTURN fixes is merged with the test.

ieliz avatar Apr 27 '20 18:04 ieliz

@l-bat, please join to review

dkurt avatar May 21 '20 12:05 dkurt

Please format the metrics as a table and exclude all non related information (bounding boxes, number of videos).

dkurt avatar May 28 '20 12:05 dkurt

For now, I am trying to fix incorrect calculations of metrics.

My results for current benchmark state:
(base) D:\Work>python --path_to_dataset D:/lasot --visualization
Tracker name:  Boosting
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MIL
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  KCF
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MedianFlow
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  GOTURN
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MOSSE
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  CSRT
        Video name: airplane-1
[ WARN:0] global D:\opencv_master\modules\core\src\matrix_expressions.cpp (1334) cv::MatOp_AddEx::assign OpenCV/MatExpr: processing of multi-channel arrays might be changed in the future:
Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:
Boosting            |45.6842             |3098.8164           |31.7185
MIL                 |46.3047             |3032.9089           |33.7500
KCF                 |44.4952             |2438.5312           |31.5100
MedianFlow          |53.0228             |1179.4745           |24.8247
GOTURN              |22.9376             |1764.9301           |17.5049
MOSSE               |40.2134             |1788.6926           |26.6768
CSRT                |40.6743             |2597.7403           |38.4245

UPD 1: I found out the root of the problem - it is all about limits of integration. In the source code limits are (0 to 1), not (0 to Max meaning of the respective threshold).

New results:
(base) D:\Work>python --path_to_dataset D:/lasot --visualization
Tracker name:  Boosting
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MIL
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  KCF
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MedianFlow
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  GOTURN
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  MOSSE
        Video name: airplane-1
Tracker name:  CSRT
        Video name: airplane-1
[ WARN:0] global D:\opencv_master\modules\core\src\matrix_expressions.cpp (1334) cv::MatOp_AddEx::assign OpenCV/MatExpr: processing of multi-channel arrays might be changed in the future:
Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:
Boosting            |0.4568              |0.6198              |0.6344
MIL                 |0.4714              |0.6296              |0.6981
KCF                 |0.4450              |0.4877              |0.6302
MedianFlow          |0.5302              |0.2359              |0.4965
GOTURN              |0.2294              |0.3530              |0.3501
MOSSE               |0.4021              |0.3577              |0.5335
CSRT                |0.4067              |0.5195              |0.7685

UPD 2: Also I "built-in" DaSiamRPN tracker in the benchmark.

Results for the first video of the dataset with reinitialization rate = 500 frames:
(base) D:\Work>python --visualization UserWarning: Using initializing bounding box of that size may cause inaccuracy of predictions!
  category=None, stacklevel=1, source=None)
Names:              |IoU:                |Precision:          |N.Precision:
DASIAMRPN           |0.2984              |0.2250              |0.2782

ieliz avatar Jun 02 '20 12:06 ieliz

@ieliz, do you have thoughts why DaSiam RPN tracker has worse results comparing to others? Have you visualized it's results?

dkurt avatar Jun 04 '20 10:06 dkurt

@dkurt , I have an idea about that. As I mentioned in description, metrics were measured for the 1 video of the LaSOT dateset as a test for the benchmark. So this values just showing us that benchmark can correctly measure metrics. To evaluate tracker`s metrics properly we need to use all 280 videos. This specific case showing us that deep learning based trackers (as GOTURN and DaSiamRPN) are not good in cases like that. But that does not mean that they are worse than classical trackers.

ieliz avatar Jun 04 '20 10:06 ieliz

I noticed one thing when comparing the results of the benchmark on Ubuntu and Windows 10: results are different for the same methods, trackers, and videos (tested for 1 video/1 tracker). I gonna do some more experiments, but I want to ask - can it be connected with OS or it is about something else?

ieliz avatar Jun 18 '20 15:06 ieliz

@ieliz, first you need to check what exactly differs - before getting a final metric there are a lot of intermediate steps - dataset loading, tracker execution, metric calculation.

dkurt avatar Jun 22 '20 06:06 dkurt

May I change some parts of the benchmark for adding DaSiamRPN in the list of trackers, due to changes in the DaSiamRPN tracker sample? Like:

from dasiamrpn_tracker import DaSiamRPNTracker

ieliz avatar Aug 05 '20 10:08 ieliz

May I change some parts of the benchmark for adding DaSiamRPN in the list of trackers, due to changes in the DaSiamRPN tracker sample? Like: from dasiamrpn_tracker import DaSiamRPNTracker

Sure! That's what we exactly wanted to do (unify both benchmarks: for DaSiam and for the rest of trackers into one)

dkurt avatar Aug 07 '20 18:08 dkurt

Please unite all the numbers into a single table (seems to me that we need to run DaSiam again as a part of new script)

dkurt avatar Aug 10 '20 09:08 dkurt

I ran the DaSiamRPN tracker as a part of the new benchmark and compare results with the results of the integrated benchmark (in the description of the PR). Results for 'coin-3' video from the Lasot dataset are equal.

ieliz avatar Aug 10 '20 11:08 ieliz

jenkins cn please retry a build

asenyaev avatar Apr 09 '21 13:04 asenyaev