Dmitry Kurtaev

Results 87 comments of Dmitry Kurtaev

Please provide a reproducer. Upload the model somewhere so we can try to run it.

Please take a look at if it can help.

@wangwenchao-job, please ping me once again from corresponding email thread. It's hard to find. Or you may try to upload to Dropbox, in example.

@wangwenchao-job, this is optional file which is not required by default.

Hi! I were able to freeze the graph but it seems unsupported by current version of OpenCV: ```python import tensorflow as tf print(tf.__version__) from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2 loaded = tf.saved_model.load('saved_model')...

@wangwenchao-job, can you refer source of the model? Is that possible to save it with TensorFlow 1.15.x frozed graph format or TensorFlow 2.x Keras format?

Hi! In my experience, Conda config based project can install pip packages as well: ```yml dependencies: - pip: - openfl ``` (example:

@iiSeymour, do you use default Python or Anaconda env? For default, `sudo apt-get install libpython3.8-dev` should resolve it. May I ask to try?