Jonathan Dizdarevic

Results 35 comments of Jonathan Dizdarevic

Hey @ChrisDenton, Thanks for helping out, I appreciate it. I've tried without .cargo/config file, and with the 1.3 update, and I now get that error: ``` = note: libucrt.lib(exit.obj) :...

Further output with `-vv`: ``` error: could not compile `app-nwg` Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: `set CARGO='\\?\C:\Users\j\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\bin\cargo.exe'&& set CARGO_BIN_NAME=app-nwg&& set CARGO_CRATE_NAME=b_app_nwg&& set CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR='C:\Users\j\www\lopez\app-nwg'&& set CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS='J D '&& set CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION=''&&...

Hey there, I've tried with the latest version v1.4.1, but still crash, here is the full log output with `-vv`: ``` Running `set CARGO=\\?\C:\Users\john\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\bin\cargo.exe&& set CARGO_BIN_NAME=app-nwg&& set CARGO_CRATE_NAME=b_app_nwg&& set CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=C:\Users\john\www\lz\app-nwg&&...

Sorry, I mean, having this Notepad as a native tool rather than using it within' the web browser :)

I was not aware of Soulver, I'll have a look at it. Actually, I haven't thought about testing it through a Progressive App on Google Chrome OSX, that's a good...

Hello, This library is deprecated, if someone wants to take over I can give maintainer roles. Thanks.

Do you guys want to takeover the ownership of the bundle? As I don't maintain it anymore.

@jongotlin I added you as a collaborator.

If anyone is willing to take over the bundle maintenance/administration, feel free :-) I've got no bandwidth for maintaining that project anymore.

Hey, I don't maintain this bundle anymore, I can transfer the ownership if someone is interested to takeover.