Jonathan Dizdarevic

Results 35 comments of Jonathan Dizdarevic

Is this bundle actually using outdated features to support sf3?

Sure, let's give it a try

Sorry for the late response @Nyholm, it's a good idea, more and more users are using the bundle, it's legitimate to have these kind of files. Will write them within...

No, this package works only with Symfony2.x. But if there is some other people interested, it can be interesting to move it to a php composer library.

Yes @debby1, only for Symfony

You mean the library throw an `error` level log eventually because of this line: ? We could, indeed decrease the log level for that error using a pattern matching,...

Hey @amaurym, Yes it does make sense, feel free to send a PR.

Hey there, I'm not sure to understand the purpose of this, could you elaborate or give me an example? Much appreciated. Thank you.

Hey, Could you please share the script you've made? I'm also encountering some issues, but different ones "Invalid state: sigtype must be a number" for a 2-of-3 P2SH.

Ok I got it. I had the exact same error as yours today. It was because it was not in the right order, althought the order MATTER! The right order...