Jonathan Dizdarevic

Results 35 comments of Jonathan Dizdarevic

Hey @MonsieurLanza, sorry for being late, but I've got no time to maintain that repository anymore unfortunately... Would you like to take over the ownership?

Hey there, Have you seen this? And that:

Hey @mctdev-marius ! Thanks for this PR, this is quite interesting! You guys always have nice ideas that I had never thought about! 😃 But there is one disadvantage about...

Yeah sorry, I didn't get than you were talking about removing remote files on the cloud storage rather than the ones on your local... So I might be agree on...

Looks great! Just realized that we may need the filename of the backup in `BackupEvent`?

When you got many projects you might want to know which backup has been completed

@Nyholm Hmm as far as I know, we only upload one archive to many destinations, so we know what will be the filename of the backup, right?

Oh ok I get it. So you suggest to add an event listener on both events to get the filename from the BackupEvent?

Hello, I never heard about "sia", but I'm following carefully, which looks really promising. But not sure how difficult would it be to implement it.

Well, feel free to implement it into this bundle, that could be a nice new provider :-)