
Results 10 issues of dgm2

It seems that a DistributedDataParallel (DDP) pytorch setup is not supported in OT - specifically on emd2 computation. Any workarounds ideas for making this working? or any example for multi-gpu...

help wanted

Hello, Is there a way to reproduce the Constrained property optimization experiments from GCPN and GraphAF on torchdrug? Similarly to the property optimization from https://torchdrug.ai/docs/tutorials/generation.html Thanks!

Hello, Thanks for maintaining this repo. Two questions on processing image datasets (e.g. torchvision MNIST). 1) is there an example on getting the persistence diagram of an image? 2) is...

Hi, great package! I am looking at the example in plotting_examples folder. These seem to work independently from a trained torch model ? what would be a minimal way /...

good first issue

hello any advice for running molecular evaluation in distributed settings? e.g. this function with torch `Distributed Data Parallel` settings https://github.com/molecularsets/moses/blob/master/moses/metrics/metrics.py#L17 many thanks

Hello Does this repo work on cpu? in particular the part in the OP folder? seems this only works only on Cuda? Are there some settings which can be set...

Hello, does this repo work on cpu? in particular the part in the OP folder? seems this only works only on Cuda? Are there some settings which can be set...

Hi for evaluating with FID score in the conditional model, should we compare e.g. 1k or 10k images from each class between original and the generated ones? e.g. FID( real(car),...

From the code, Sophia does the following - the default step: - line 5 from Algorithm 1 - gets gradients from training set - the hessian step (every k iterations)...

For intellij / pycharm. The solarized icls file works for the text colors. Do you know how to make the side bar also custom? eg `project`, `structure`, `git` tabs in...