
Results 5 comments of dgm2

sounds good, thanks! What would be the best way to replicate something like the following Dionysus code with GUDHI ? 1) get persistence diagram e.g. d1: ``` from dionysus import...

hello, any workaround for this issue? I found this assertion error as well on cuda 10.2 ` edge_index, edge_weight = spspmm(edge_index, edge_weight, edge_index, edge_weight, num_nodes, num_nodes, num_nodes)` ``` File "/mnt/iusers01/fse-ugpgt01/compsci01/xxxx/.conda/envs/graph_ae/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch_sparse/spspmm.py",...

the torch version is giving an error about size. it expects the last index of crow to be 8629? any idea on how get this to work with the torch...

I tried converting the SparseTensors > row, col, value = torch.sparse.mm(A.to_torch_sparse_csr_tensor(), B.to_torch_sparse_csr_tensor()) gives > return torch._sparse_mm(mat1, mat2) > RuntimeError: torch.empty: Only 2D sparse CSR tensors are supported.

thanks! the callback method returns `stills, frames, image` how should I input these into `plot_dataset_traversals` ? or into `visualize_dataset_traversal` or what is are corresponding values there? e.g. does `stills` corresponds...