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Persistence diagram for image data / embedding data
Hello, Thanks for maintaining this repo. Two questions on processing image datasets (e.g. torchvision MNIST).
- is there an example on getting the persistence diagram of an image?
- is it possible to get persistence diagram after the image has been convolved (e.g. linear layer) ? namely, instead of tensor with dimension (xxx, 2) we only have an an embedding of single dimension.
input (X1) : 1x28x28
emb1 = conv (X1) : 1x512
diag = RipsComplex( emb1)
I put RipsComplex but any object for persistence would be ok.
Many thanks!
@dgm2 Why not using the cubical complex ?
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gudhi as gd
X, y = fetch_openml("mnist_784", version=1, return_X_y=True, as_frame=False)
# X[17] is an '8'
cc = gd.CubicalComplex(top_dimensional_cells=X[17], dimensions=[28, 28])
diag = cc.persistence()
gd.plot_persistence_diagram(diag, legend=True)
# X[1] is an '0'
cc = gd.CubicalComplex(top_dimensional_cells=X[1], dimensions=[28, 28])
diag = cc.persistence()
gd.plot_persistence_diagram(diag, legend=True)
Another example is available on this tuto about cubical complex.
sounds good, thanks!
What would be the best way to replicate something like the following Dionysus code with GUDHI ?
- get persistence diagram e.g. d1:
from dionysus import *
filtered = fill_freudenthal(image)
persistence = homology_persistence(filtered)
diag = init_diagrams(persistence, filtered)
- compute distance between 2 diagrams. e.g. di.wasserstein_distance(d1, d2) I have tried with cubicalComplex, but I seem to get all zeros on wasserstein distance.
references fill_freudenthal
many thanks
import numpy as np
from torchvision import datasets
from gudhi.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
from gudhi.wasserstein import wasserstein_distance
def pers_diag(pts):
pers = CubicalComplex(top_dimensional_cells=pts, dimensions=[28, 28]).persistence()
res = np.array([list(b) for (_, b) in pers])
return res
dataset2 = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=False, download=True)
diagrams = []
labels = []
n = 10
for dat, lab in zip([:n], dataset2.train_labels[:n]):
pts =
def print_wd(i, j):
print(labels[i], labels[j], wasserstein_distance(diagrams[i], diagrams[j]))
for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
print_wd(i, j)
labels 7 2 | wass 0.0 | bott 24.5
labels 7 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 52.0
labels 7 0 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 7 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 18.0
labels 7 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 24.5
labels 7 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 32.0
labels 7 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 7 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 7 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 2 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 52.0
labels 2 0 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 2 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 26.5
labels 2 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 3.5
labels 2 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 40.0
labels 2 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 2 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 2 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 1 0 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 1 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 45.0
labels 1 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 52.0
labels 1 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 25.0
labels 1 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 1 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 1 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 0 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 0 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 0 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 125.5
labels 0 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 66.0
labels 0 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 100.5
labels 0 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 38.0
labels 4 1 | wass 0.0 | bott 26.5
labels 4 4 | wass 0.0 | bott 25.0
labels 4 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 4 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 4 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 1 4 | wass nan | bott 40.0
labels 1 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 1 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 1 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 4 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 92.5
labels 4 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 126.5
labels 4 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 114.5
labels 9 5 | wass 0.0 | bott 100.5
labels 9 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 44.0
labels 5 9 | wass 0.0 | bott 100.5
:thinking: strange to me your second point... I updated 2-3 things to your code, but yours was (almost) working:
import itertools
import numpy as np
from torchvision import datasets
from gudhi.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
from gudhi.wasserstein import wasserstein_distance
from gudhi import bottleneck_distance
def pers_diag(pts):
pers = CubicalComplex(top_dimensional_cells=pts, dimensions=[28, 28]).persistence()
res = np.array([list(b) for (_, b) in pers])
return res
dataset2 = datasets.MNIST('data', train=False, download=True)
diagrams = []
labels = []
n = 10
for dat, lab in zip([:n], dataset2.train_labels[:n]):
pts =
def print_wd(i, j):
print("labels ", labels[i], labels[j], " | was ", wasserstein_distance(diagrams[i], diagrams[j]), " | bot ", bottleneck_distance(diagrams[i], diagrams[j]))
for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
print_wd(i, j)
labels 7 2 | was 107.0 | bot 24.5
labels 7 1 | was 119.0 | bot 52.0
labels 7 0 | was 241.0 | bot 125.5
labels 7 4 | was 90.0 | bot 18.0
labels 7 1 | was 109.0 | bot 24.5
labels 7 4 | was 104.5 | bot 32.0
labels 7 9 | was 132.0 | bot 92.5
labels 7 5 | was 288.5 | bot 126.5
labels 7 9 | was 248.5 | bot 114.5
labels 2 1 | was 123.0 | bot 52.0
labels 2 0 | was 141.0 | bot 125.5
labels 2 4 | was 146.0 | bot 26.5
labels 2 1 | was 8.0 | bot 3.5
labels 2 4 | was 147.5 | bot 40.0
labels 2 9 | was 201.0 | bot 92.5
labels 2 5 | was 282.0 | bot 126.5
labels 2 9 | was 197.0 | bot 114.5
labels 1 0 | was 222.0 | bot 125.5
labels 1 4 | was 115.5 | bot 45.0
labels 1 1 | was 117.5 | bot 52.0
labels 1 4 | was 114.0 | bot 25.0
labels 1 9 | was 196.5 | bot 92.5
labels 1 5 | was 253.0 | bot 126.5
labels 1 9 | was 274.5 | bot 114.5
labels 0 4 | was 274.0 | bot 125.5
labels 0 1 | was 136.5 | bot 125.5
labels 0 4 | was 281.5 | bot 125.5
labels 0 9 | was 187.0 | bot 66.0
labels 0 5 | was 161.0 | bot 100.5
labels 0 9 | was 110.0 | bot 38.0
labels 4 1 | was 140.0 | bot 26.5
labels 4 4 | was 118.0 | bot 25.0
labels 4 9 | was 192.0 | bot 92.5
labels 4 5 | was 323.0 | bot 126.5
labels 4 9 | was 290.0 | bot 114.5
labels 1 4 | was 148.0 | bot 40.0
labels 1 9 | was 205.0 | bot 92.5
labels 1 5 | was 276.5 | bot 126.5
labels 1 9 | was 200.5 | bot 114.5
labels 4 9 | was 175.0 | bot 92.5
labels 4 5 | was 315.5 | bot 126.5
labels 4 9 | was 280.0 | bot 114.5
labels 9 5 | was 250.0 | bot 100.5
labels 9 9 | was 179.5 | bot 44.0
labels 5 9 | was 222.5 | bot 100.5
@dgm2 what is your gudhi version ? python -c "import gudhi; print(gudhi.__version__)"
Here is an example on how to do the same code with dionysus and gudhi:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
import dionysus as d
import gudhi as gd
X, y = fetch_openml("mnist_784", version=1, return_X_y=True, as_frame=False)
# a zero
a = X[1].reshape((28,28))
#a = np.random.random((10,10))
f_lower_star = d.fill_freudenthal(a)
p = d.homology_persistence(f_lower_star)
dgms = d.init_diagrams(p, f_lower_star)
for i,dgm in enumerate(dgms):
for pt in dgm:
# 0
# (0,inf)
# (0,165)
# (84,96)
# 1
# (0,255)
# (173,252)
# (223,253)
# (225,252)
# (225,253)
# (238,253)
# (240,253)
# (246,253)
# (252,253)
# (252,253)
# (252,253)
# (252,253)
# (253,255)
cc = gd.CubicalComplex(top_dimensional_cells=a)
# array([[ 84., 96.],
# [ 0., 165.],
# [ 0., inf]])
#array([[173., 252.],
# [225., 252.],
# [252., 253.],
# [246., 253.],
# [240., 253.],
# [238., 253.],
# [252., 253.],
# [252., 253.],
# [225., 253.],
# [252., 253.],
# [237., 253.],
# [223., 253.],
# [253., 255.],
# [ 0., 255.]])