Devendra Swamy
Devendra Swamy
!python /content/drive/MyDrive/tf-faster-rcnn/tools/ --net vgg16 --weight /content/drive/MyDrive/tf-faster-rcnn/data/imagenet_weights/vgg16.ckpt --imdb voc_2007_trainval --imdbval voc_2007_test please make sure the --net and --weight is vgg16 & vgg.ckpt are like this. thank you
> Change the file in experiments/res101.yml > BATCH_SIZE: > and > RPN_BATCHSIZE: Sir/madam, is it work really ?
please help , my training going fine but in tetsing i am gettting problem.
I have the same error! Have you found the solution ? i have to try run my own dataset , after some iterations i am getting same problem , please...
I am also facing the same problem , please anybody help me
Are you solve this problem ? i am also getting same error . please help me , in my model i am using pascal voc dataset. thanking you !
I am facing same error with ubuntu 16 , cuda 10 version , please help me to resolve the issue and even i changed -arch as per my gpu architecture..
[session 1][epoch 25][iter 100/ 107] loss: 0.3858, lr: 1.00e-07 fg/bg=(4/1020), time cost: 2159.435124 rpn_cls: 0.0213, rpn_box: 0.1552, rcnn_cls: 0.0151, rcnn_box 0.0000 save model: models/vgg16/pascal_voc/faster_rcnn_1_25_106.pth please tell any suggestion for increase...
Did you finish the onnx conversion ? @GuohongLi
Actually I have my own dataset in format of ["filename" "boxes label values Like x-min y-min x-max y-max" "class-name"] and filename consist the path of the image, so how can...